I'm already heavily into Steem. Downloaded a bitshares wallet but haven't used it yet. I googled some resources and assume it's similar to blocktrades in transfer procedures. I really got it because I don't trust centralized exchanges but I prefer my hardware wallet.
I'm about half way through the EOS white paper. Wanted to invest in that ICO but am a US slave (I know about VPN's) because I have to take care of my father.
So presumably "got noplace to go" is because when everyone want's to dump their BTC/ETH, they can't because of the lack of block space / bandwidth issues. Lol...
Why not buy some EOS on Bitshares?
You mean after the token sale is over? I needed a VPN just to get in to read the procedure.
No. Now. There's secondary markets for eos. Even US citizens can buy. In fact, nobody can stop you from buying some.
I haven't seen that option in Bitshares, perhaps there's a wallet update...
Bitshares has an OPEN.EOS asset, backed at a 1:1 ratio with presale EOS that will convert to tokens at the end.
And you can use the Exodus wallet to have total control (open.EOS is an IOU for real EOS), so no third party will be involved, just you and the private keys to your blockchain assets.
Looking at Bitshares, it seems that I need to first deposit some crypto such as bitcoin or litecoin into my bitshares wallet and then use the exchange section to find a buyer willing to trade one of these for EOS. Looks kind of like the GDAX environment that underlies Coinbase. Never used that before though so will probably try small amounts so that it doesn't matter if I screw it up. Can't seem to find a video that lays it out explicitly on how to do this, so guessing...
The only place that I see Open.EOS is in the withdrawl (where does it withdraw to?). There's no deposit to Open.EOS.
I might have assumed that one could deposit bitcoin to an address and then have it convert immediately to EOS tokens the way Blocktrades does it, but I see it's OpenLedger.
Zoid...let me know if you have any questions on how to use the Bitshares exchange/wallet..we are all here to help the community
Do you know a good video that shows exchanging from one crypto to another? I don't see a way to change USD into crypto without KYC and AML.
There is no practical way of going from FIAT to Crypto without KYC & AML (FIAT is the playground of governments and to play on their turf you need to follow their rules).
Here are some youtube channels about bitshares that might be useful.:
Seems that the nodes aren't always operating at 100%. Frequent connection problems even though I have high speed internet. Then I decided to update the app, now it hangs with a blank screen. I'm a programmer with over 20 years experience and have written sophisticated apps. I would prefer not to use a web wallet. Also not used to having this much difficulty...
Well, I managed to get it back up and running. Will look over these videos. Thanks!
Let us know what your thoughts are after using it zoid..i use the web wallet but others i know download the other...i moved BTC over without any KYC and just bought my coins there..you can also transfer coins they support from other exchanges...cheers friend