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RE: 🔊BitSharestalk Launch Party (ep #84) | 2018-09-01 | Sat @100PM UTC | OpenSource Agenda [Powered by!]

in #bitshares • 7 years ago

Bitshares State of the Network report

  • BitShares Core version 2.0.180823 has been released. This release is the first release which add's support for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

  • @clockwork has open sourced the proof-of-concept code for Beet, The Bitshares Companion application.

  • @cm-steem has released a draft BSIP 'Backing a Market Pegged Asset with multiple assets as collateral'. The focus of this BSIP is to allow multiple assets as collateral backing for an MPA.

  • The 'Bitshares Community 100 Cities 100 Stores' started by Guo An has reached 45 physical stores in China.

  • @alexpmorris has released a HOWTO Encrypt and Decrypt BitShares Memos in Either JavaScript or Java guide.