
I thought you might know... I'm sure you do.

To be honest, I'm a bit worried that there are so few people behind such a big project. I guess potential investors also would like to know what your plans are regarding human resources.

I know those questions are for @dan or @ned, not you. But you happen to have better access to them than any of us. Sharing more details will boost confidence.

i get your arguments here, well, if you right with your fear that a few people are getting such a "big project" started - just imagine what happens if these "a few" are getting help from more devs entering this game :)

Anyway i can say - this small group of really experienced and talented devs are pulling this out of the ground in less time - then other mutli-million dollar dev teams are not able to get out of ground within years.. just watch the game here and i will notice :)

Did i mention before - i really don't like the expression "human resources"