We've created a new company called the BEOS Eco Business Trust (BECO) which is designed to operate the BEOS network and hold assets in many projects that build on the BEOS network for the benefit of its members — those who hold Beos and Manna tokens.
BLCA – the original creator of the BEOS blockchain – has been folded into BECO, together with 100,000,000 of its BEOS tokens.
The Cloud Coin team has provided 200,000 BitShares cloud coin tokens and will be offering cloud coin backed tokens on BitShares and BEOS.
We have also acquired 10% private equity in Mission Space, the space telescope company you can read about at missionspace.one.
We are expecting to have similar contributions from Ruon.ai, SovereignSky.com and Biquitous.io.
Finally, later this year Quintric.com will be offering an incredible 5% pre-paid access discount on its Quint token in exchange for Manna. For example, as a trust beneficiary, you will be able apply a Manna token for about 10 cents off on a $2.00 Quint gold legal tender backed token. Every single Manna token can be traded for 10 cents off, so that makes a total supply of 888,000,000 mana tokens worth 88,000,000 dollars right off the bat. By this measure, each Manna will thus be worth a dime, not a penny. Nice!
Some of these companies will be offering SEC-approved security tokens through the Deal Box system. You can read about it here: Vertalo to Tokenize 22 Securities Worth $200M on Tezos Blockchain More than 20 companies expect to tokenize securities on the Tezos blockchain, representing some $200 million in deals, through a new partnership with fintech merchant bank DealBox and software provider Vertalo.
We anticipate that BECO, as an accredited investor, will ultimately be holding some of these tokenized securities for the benefit of its members. If you haven’t started collecting Manna yourselves – get a BEOS account today at BEOS.world and stake some BTS and BEOS to start collecting a skyfall of Manna from heaven. Read all about it here: How BEOS Manna Works
Hey Stan, I tried withdrawing some of my BTS the other day and I got some weird error messages. My user name was not recognised essentially, is this a glitch?
Best to ask @dannote
Thank you. In that case @dannote can you help?
@dannote must know. };)Yeah! @dannote is the man.
It seems so! I hope he answers!
Have you a good beer and rocking chair handy?
Is he gonna sing me the blues!!
First thing it to make sure you have the most up to date version.
Crikey, that might be it. I have never updated it. Don't suppose you have a link to it?
Upper left hand corner . Click 'Help' then 'Check for updates'.
Top notch, will give that a bash. Cheers!
Are manna tradeable? I can't find them listed on any exchanges, quint's website don't seem to reference them anywhere either.