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RE: Planning the 2018 Global Reset

in #bitshares8 years ago

I've heard it explained as the learning curve can be steep if the payoff is high (Like using Autocad) vs. a shallow learning curve on a less powerful platform (like hotmail / gmail).

If the path to getting in is as easy as using your bank website which may only require jumping thru 1-2 hoops (opening account at your bank, setting up your online profile, you're ready to go) vs. Buying bitshares (buy BTC / Eth somewhere else, transferring it to Bitshares wallet, selling it to buy BTS at the right price, possibly moving it off the exchange wallet after (because exchange wallets shouldn't be trusted, etc.).

I see it as one of the big challenges to mass adoption. For us in early it's awesome and worth jumping thru those hoops because the rewards can be astronomical, but for mass adoption we'll need to make the on-ramps smoother /easier.