Well @stan, I haven't really interacted directly much with Paul before. So I hadn't the chance to know him so well. But as a matter of fact, I've seen him commenting and interacting in the posts of some steemians that I follow and that I can consider good friends. And just from that scarce feedback, I know he is a good chap and you can say I'm pretty much in sync and in communion with his way of thinking. :)
Knowing the fresh news of what he is going through right now, are indeed sad news. But after reading your great tribute for him and being aware now of his many life experiences and stories. I can say that I understand him well as someone who has been a victorious warrior of many battles and who is aware that his many victories in his recent past now allow him the license to proclaim in peace: ¡Mission accomplished!
I hope that many of you will post your love and remarks to Paul in the comments below while he is still with us and able to appreciate them.
My biggest regards and respect to @onceuponatime & @twiceuponatime and my best sentiments for his family.
In today's high-tech and highly technified world, everything is still possible. So a soon and triumphant return is not at all disposable. Apparently, he has us already accustomed to many of such feats. So, one more of his cunning and strategic moves, we would not be surprised at all. ;)
Meanwhile and knowing in advance that both of them: @onceuponatime & @twiceuponatime are just a pair of old hippies like me who enjoy Cream, The Grateful Dead and many more good bands from our good times. Let's then share a fine old song as my own tribute and homage for his prompt recovery in my own style.
«-Paul And The Wolf-»
¡Ouzo and Out!