首先,简版手机钱包 欢迎使用 。
icoWallet 做什么?
- 制作良好产品体验的手机钱包,剔除/优化比特股的高阶功能,降低使用门槛
- 提供可伸缩API服务
- 承兑担保中介
icoWallet is a Bitshares wallet project which aims to
- a easy to use mobile wallet
- a scaleable API service
- a escrow for exchange of fiat money and smart coin
there is a simple version of mobile wallet for you to play with. And we are now in the progress of early bird membership lock and ICO.
比特股及其底层技术(Graphene 区块链协议)开始受到越来越多的技术人员青睐,好现象!