
in #bitshares7 years ago (edited)


An User Issued Asset {UIA}

Created at the Bitshares {BTS} Decentralized EXchange {DEX}.

One earth, one humanity, one currency

This type Current Asset Token {CAT} has been created on the Bitshares DEX {Decentalized EXchange} on the 6th of april 2018. The theme is inspired by the Esperanto language, which relates, in a sense, to Cryptos. One language that was designed to be spoken by all humans on earth to better understand each other. Cryptos have given humanity the chance to trade freely, to send value from one spot on earth to the other. Free from intermediates, erasing border, creating liberty for all.

In line with that Mondo was created as an User Issued Asset {UIA} on the Bitshares blockchain. 9'233'337'036 Mondo in total can be issued, where every Token is build up from a 100'000 Centmil. It is more rare than Bitcoin, which will have 21 million but 1 BTC has 100'000'000 Satoshi. That however is no guarantee for the value of the Mondo. Its initial price has been set at 20 BTS {Bitshares} for 1 MONDO, but eventually the market will decide.

Value Through Usage

On the Bitshares blockchain there are costs for every transaction. Creating the MONDO cost almost 290 BTS, of which a part will be returned. Another part is being used to create a MONDO fee pool, backed by BTS. Every time MONDO is send from one account to another there is a transaction fee. Lower value transactions will be relatively more expensive. Trading on the Bitshares Decentralized EXchange {DEX} also will carry some transaction costs. The lower the value of trade the higher the relative cost. And to some extend this will add value to the MONDO. That and demand by the market itself.

Thanks to the developers of Bitshares Munich it is possible to have MONDO available inside their Smartcoin Wallet. And that way it can be used to send it to another account, or do payments with it, using a smartphone. And with the Blockpay App a merchant can accept MONDO. Where the Point Of Sales {POS} software calculates the exact price to be payed in MONDO, compaired to (bit)EURO or (bit)USD for instance. If MONDO is getting used this way, or maybe in tipping and rewarding then this would make it do better on the market too. Without any guarantee that it will.

How to get some MONDO?

swaps with other Cryptos will be considered, again by order with the right amount in TX cost.)Part will be used for a free hand-out, where the creating account at Bitshares will pay for the fee. Also there is an idea for a rewarding/ price system, where MONDO will be used for. Announcements about this will be made at this, @oaldamster, account. And they can be bought in the near future, where only a Fee Transaction cost will be charged (but they will probably only go at 1.3 MONDO per order). This will also add value to the MONDO. (And maybe some

It could take a long time before all MONDO are distributed that way, or if the even all can be distributed. Practicly this is improbable for this amount. Basicly it is just the ever to be issued as the absolute limit. There are 2.33 Satoshi BTC for every 1 Centnil Mondo, at the most. And because there is no mining, or minting, MONDO will have to be distributed in another way. (In the near future this proces could be automated to some extend.) Also if you have an idea how to distribute MONDO adding value, let me know and add your Bitshares account with that. If I think it has value I will reward it with... Indeed MONDO.

One last thing...

Please remember to only invest in Cryptos what you are willing and able to lose. This also accounts for MONDO.

United we stand tall in Cryptos!

The MONDO-BTS market:

Unu tero, unu humaro, unu valuto
Mondo design cc-by-sa 2018++ @oaldamster.


I've been wanting to learn Esperanto for many years. So this is really interesting.

And I think that could be the first real use case; using it for typical esperanto services. Like paying for Servas-related memberships or activities, Esperanto workshops, meetups and concerts.

I think it will make it stronger if you can involve an already existing community like the Esperanto-one instead of just random investors on Steemit, who are probably much more interested in bts as a payment instrument than Mondo.

Anyway, my bitshares account is pssvbt, I would love to follow the project.

That is a great idea, thanks, will sure take it into account. Appreciate your input and will keep you posted.

Will add your Bitshares account to my contacts.

Hi @funcrypto,

You were just the first to ever receive freshly issued MONDO.

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Thanks, already flagged it.

What are you going to do with it?

Some will be handed out to Steemians for free, yet due to transactions costs this will be very limited. Part of it will be handed out as a reward/ price system. And also I had the idea to bulksell at transaction costs, to get it issued. Mondo can be used in the Bitshares Smartcoin wallet, so when it gets value, by market demand, it could be used for payments too.

(If you have a Bitshares account let me know.)

Interesting experiment, good luck. I don't have a Bitshares account :-)

Thanks! :-)

Brother, I do not understand?😉
Sorry :)

This an announcement for a Token (Coin) that I created at the Bitshares platform. It is called MONDO and will be issued in several different ways.

But it is okay if that is still a bit complex to you.

Thanks bro! ☺
Good luck!