Response to 🚀 Bitshares Talk Logo Design Contest [BeyondBit Prizes Inside].
What is Bitshares Talk?
Bitshares Talk forums ( is weekly Bitshares Open Source Hangouts with a fresh new look. These act as the meeting place for all those interested in helping to develop new tools, advancing the Bitshares platform, discussing worker proposals, and all other aspects of cryptocurrency and blockchain as it pertains to the Bitshares Community.
Logo Meaning
Logo Process
Other version
Color Variation
Icon Size Variation for Avatar/Apps
Color Hex
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License .
Full License will only be granted on this project, or any other party who wants this work.
Contact me on discord anaufalm#7965
BTS/OL: anaufalm25
wooww.. good work. follback and upvote.. im newcomer.. thanks.
Kamu saya maafkan kali ini karena berkomentar seperti itu. Tidak tahu besok.
it's a masterpiece that should be appreciated ..
success is always for you @naufal
Appreciated that, thank you.
Yes, you are welcome
mantap nyan ngoen
bek tuo piyoh bak ata long beuh
Bak ata loen cit hehe
Awesome. I was wondering what would change the logo but it is perfect so nothing. 😀
Ahaha make a simple buddy, I just dont make it complicated.
I am very interested to join ... but I am new to beginner in steemit .. bukurima how i can join
Just join, and start your work. Talk less, do more. ;)
okay ... I will join .. but please help me to help me because I do not understand how
Keren banget nih logonya..
Saya sih yesss
Yeee makasi dekku 😁
Makasih kembali abangku hehehe