However, since BitShares is gaining traction again, I feel we should revisit the current fee schedule and update it accordingly.
You didn't say it, but my guess is since Bitshares is going up in value, you'd like to lower the fees to compensate for BTS which is more expensive to obtain.
Is that basically correct?
If so, I disagree that the fees need to be updated at this point. $177 for a lifetime membership this late in the game seems fair to me. The moment it goes over $200, let's change it then. :)
And lets not be too eager and hasty to change the fee structure just b/c the marketcap is currently up, that could change tomorrow. Such adjustments need to be considered cautiously and with a longer term perspective in mind.
Totally agree with you. I didn't mean to initiate the discussion about changing the fees soon, but rather wanted to inform new shareholders about the stuff that will hit them eventually, namely: updating the fee schedule
I totally agree. My intension were to keep the shareholders up to date on this general topic.
Personally, I would also rather keep the BTS fees as they are and only change them if things get too expensive. But we need to let people know about it and educate them, that's the purpose of the post!