(( .. can't agree more - ))FIRST .. GreaT POST @marchesejp!! - ))
YOU've just made the "HERO" program come to LIFE .. for me !! - ))and, @full-steem-ahead .. WoW !!!!!!!! - ))
i am a total "new-BE" - ))
FUNnY .. how the quest for understanding, brings clarity !!
WonderinG about many of the things @marchesejp has detailed in this post.
Thank YOU "BOTH" .. i feel "much" more confident in BIT SHARE'S future !! - ))
.. and, i was already felling over the MooN - ))
Any chance anyone would like to trade some BIT SHARES .. for ART ??
AN artist’S .. CALL for a MOON SHOT TICKET !! - ))
lovelovelove )))
greb'Z )
PumpeD & reSTEEMed - ))
Thanks a lot buddy! Really appreciate your comments! Hope you get hooked on BTS on the same way I got.. Very interesting coin with huge potential, as more you learned about it more you like it!
Regarding your art I dont have space at my place right now, but once BTS goes to the moon and I buy a big house I will contact you again to get some ;))) Very nice art btw! congrats!!
ha ha .. GREAT REPLY !! - ))
.. i'm dreaming UP a GIANT CANVAS for YOU NOW !!! - )))
.. thanks ALLoT !! - ))
TO the MOON !!!!!!! - ))
FeelS like ROCKET FUAL to me !! - )))?? did you see this article by @stan ??? https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@stan/bitcoin-united-btc-u-offers-3-second-confirmations-and-massive-throughput
Hahaha yes, get my giant canvas ready... By the end of the year when we see BTS increasing 100x we talk again :) :)
Yes I saw that article from Stan, great article!
Your art is beautiful man. Love the colours. I would love to get a large one to put on my living room wall. :)