Stress-test whitepaper released!
Read the above PDF report for the recent stress test within the Bitshares testnet!
Relevant quotes from above whitepaper:
Transaction Production
In order to stress-test a network, we need to produce actual stress which is not easy to achieve at the scale that we needed for our tests. Furthermore, we wanted to simulate a more or less realistic scenario in which multiple in-dependent parties distributed on the globe produce transactions, each transaction trying to make it into the next block.
For this reasons, we have asked the BitSharesTalk community to participate in the stress-testing not only by means of providng validation nodes across the planet, but also to produce the re-quired stress.
Sounds like we could help out here!
However, the Peer-2-Peer networking code has been optimized for a block interval of about 10 s and thus leaves a lot of room for optimizations when talking about high-throughput at low latencies.
Ok so the lack of computer resources available to create transactions wasn't the sole bottleneck for maximizing TPS, this is potentially an area of witness experimentation or machine learning (to find optimal parameter optimization for ranges of TPS load).
Conclusion section
The Peer-2-Peer code seems to be working nicely but results show that it could be one of the bottlenecks currently preventing us from going further. The computational resources of our validators have more than enough back-off for higher throughputs but the networking code was not able to provide sufficient data (e.g. transactions) to raise it during our stress-test.
Ok, so perhaps the lack of computing power isn't required until the network code is optimized?