This is the best time to spend more time using the Bitshares DEX, now that centralized exchanges are getting over flooded with new user registrations and upgrading their system to match the demand of thousand of traders around the world.
After having deposit issue with my bittrex account which delayed me from getting some more EOS yesterday and also my failed attempt to register on binance, I decided to go get some EOS on bitshares. I have been using bitshares before now after I was introduced to the DEX through Build Team token.
The experience trading on bitshares is quite different from wht you get in centralized exchanges, the fast transacton speed and low transaction fees are the most encouraging feature of DEX.
I worry less and stress less buying EOS on bitshares.
The Process
First I went to to buy bitshares with my litecoin
The transaction was processed within 7 minutes and I got the bitshares in my wallet.
Next, because I didn't want to trade the BTS/Open.EOS directly, I went ahead to the market to exchange my bitshares for USD so I can get some EOS.
The order got filled not once though, because I set my price to buy cheaper then the market current price, but still got filled fast within 10 minutes
With my 120USD, I went ahead to the USD/Open.EOS market place a buy order for 12 Open.EOS
The order was filled instantly and I got a small amount of Open.EOS
My goal is to do this more often, get some EOS and relax.
I believe this truly is the year of the "Decentralized Exchange" or DEX.
I have literal anxiety having to keep some investments on centralized exchanges where you do not truly hold or posess your coins/investments.
It's very comforting to know you are in full control and possesion of your money using Decentralized Exchanges like BitShares!
Edit: Resteemed and Upvoted!
I have same belief man, more traders and investors will discover the security, comfort and transparency that decentralized exchanges offer and turn to them.
hopefully there is hope for the post Tether-funded exchange crash cryptoscape...
Seems like I will be getting more EOS for myself, though I missed out when it was cheaper, but I know right now it's still cheap and this year might just be a good year for EOS.
Never a bad time to buy crypto. The "roof" always get moved up!
Yeah, it's never too late to get some EOS until it becomes late.
Ooww yeah, but there is nothing like getting in early, you are like those that invested in Apple when they first started))
@xpency, I just wished I have enough in my wallet to have bought more. But not to worry, there's still time to get more :)
I will get more EOS. The future looks super bright. I also think one of the big centralised exchanges may do a Mt Gox or something similar. Let's go decentralised.
I see that too man, we shouldn't trust centralized exchanges, most are businesses operated in pants from the kitchen.
And getting more EOS, if possible everyday is the way to go.
I second that thought.
EOS will moon for sure, HODL tight.
Is it more profitable to trade on Bitshares?😕 I mean fees and time...
Nice, we hope to see TradingView added to the DEX-ui soon... 🤓
'The experience trading on bitshares is quite different from wht you get in centralized exchanges, the fast transacton speed and low transaction fees are the most encouraging feature of DEX.' I'm hearing this for the first time.
Upvoted and resteemed.
Welcome and thanks man
thanks for sharing keep it up

Welcome man
Thanks for this educative post