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RE: Why is the volume on Bitshares DEX still too Low ?

in #bitshares7 years ago

I agree, in addition, the platform lacks bitETH and ability to trade bitETH vs bitUSD and vs bitBTC and vs ETH. What does it take to create bitETH on that platform ? Not much. But it's not done and this is the problem with BTS DEX - many good things that are just not finished. I wish somebody took care of all these easy to fix problems/features. Until then people are forced to use centralized exchanges. I would love to trade bitETH vs bitUSD on BTS DEX, but as of right now I can't. I think this is very stupid of BTS community to have everything ready except few inexpensive final touches that keep it from adoption. Adoption WILL NOT happen if there are no popular trading pairs like one can find on major exchanges.

So I think the more interesting question to answer is why BTS community is so stupid ? Don't they understand that if they make major pairs then volume of usable of BTS will go up so as it's price, because it will become medium of exchange and traders would not care about it's price because they buy and sell it in short term. I believe that BTC has such a high price for such a poor technology only because it became medium of exchange, everybody go through BTC to convert between fiat and alt coins, just like everybody uses USD to convert oil to gold. So BTS super cool technology and potential is not enough, it needs to be used as medium of exchange. And currently BTS DEX does not provide exchange possibilities for that to happen. So don't blame lack of adoption or advertisement, blame unfinished software and whoever is responsible for it.