Bits and Pieces - Microsoft warns Gab, Stops Q, Jones Gets Legitimized.

in #bitsandpieces7 years ago (edited)

We are your hosting service.

We don't like two comments. So you have forty eight hours to remove them.

source is "Joe Virus" speaks to Gab.

No visible response from Gab. But, the bigger issue is the rhetoric that "these private companies can do what they want to", which is a lie. They would be limited if they took the other side, and there are laws that would be stated if that were the case.

The good news is that Bill knows nothing.

He knows how to charge for his faulty operating system. He knows how to create insecurity.

Look at him! He has lost his edge.

Bill Gates just spent $7,500 on Github.

Not six million, not a hundred million, not a thousand million, but seven and a half thousand million.

For what?

To take down Q

Yeah, he took down the Q using his newfound authority at Github. What Bill did not know is that sites hosting this Q character merely paste an open source code onto their website, and the posts appear. Anyone can host a site, call the code and up pops all of the Q posts.

You did not know that did-ja Bill?

I was worried that Github would be compromised by this scared looking, little, raisin of a man, but I am not so worried now. Still the recent opportunity has arisen for anyone who would like to create a collaborative platform for hosting software now that github has a deranged owner.

Then it was

Microsoft wants to shut down because of two comments that they don't like.


This could kill Gab if they are not careful. Shopping for new "dot com" sites is getting risky in today's world. Distributed, decentralized everything is the key to getting out of their playground completely. We have to stop using the dollar, and stop supporting the annoying advertisers on censor-proned sites such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and now Vimeo

Meanwhile Alex Jones Pulled from Vimeo

I had seen a show by Mike Adams, called "Counter Think", which countered nothing. This man stated that he created a platform for free speech and sunk a quarter million dollars into this new thing called where anyone, except those of the other viewpoint, could join and speak freely. In other words, a network of Trump supporters who may be Christian are the only ones allowed to have channels there.

I am not sure how that is going for you Mike, but my first thought was who owns this site? With a few clicks, I found that Vimeo owns and operates this hybrid service. You can host others who think along the same lines as you do, until you can't. You can get donations using dollars, paypal, banks, and other outdated systems that have always controlled humanity with IRS audits and frozen assets, until you can't.

Yes, they also have a centralized corporate owner who can shut you down. I don't see Alex on your "" site.

Nice investment.


I have not been a fan the entities mentioned herein.

I do not do theories of any kind. Thanks to reality, we now have a Conspiracy Fact that is Jones and how he was taken off of many services in one day (over night). These services conspired to do it and they are unashamed. If anyone has any evidence to the contrary, I will delete this post and put up pictures of fluffy puppies.

So thanks for legitimizing Alex.

  • I now have a Gab account to see what will happen to them.
  • I now force myself to sit through Real News and Alex Jones.
  • I now keep track of where Alex and others are allowed to speak.
  • I will now check into who or what Q is. Likely to be legit due to Bill damning him.

It is unclear why these companies were motivated to cut Alex Jones. I heard his app has gone to number one in the three weeks that it has been out (in the news category). Well done whoever you are.

While you are at it, can you please ban crypto-coins? They are offensive and hateful.
oh yeah. you can't

still playing in their playground." That is, the corporate playground, interlinked with politicians.As of the writing of this Bits & Pieces article, only @BitChute and @DTube still have Alex Jones related content up and running. I will repeat my warning to Alex and others about "

Any of the dot com or dot xx sites are a flip of a switch away from being taken down. Your accounts and ability to take credit cards are in the wind, ask WikiLeaks about that. This is all easily foreseen like a deep breath of the child as the candle burns on their birthday cake.

I have also spoken out about those who only take donations from a tiny insignificant dollar-based country while speaking to a world-wide audience. This is the kind of thinking that is hard to break when presenting cross boarder free payment solutions.

  • I believe dot eth sites are going to remain no matter your opinion.
  • I believe most currencies that are distributed and decentralized will survive.
  • I believe that we now need new search tools and places for social interaction.

Where have I been? My days are eaten up looking into things like EOS and IPFS solutions. Maidsafe was a contender but they cannot seem to get out of the starting gate. I am always looking for ways to stay free and find out what is happening.

Free Speech

One thing I do know is that Bill Gates is up to no good. Speak out.

Facebook will have a new user soon - I will be there to gather advertisers for the boycott.

Google / Youtube have broken trust. Gather info on advertisers. Add them to the list.

Take a look at Yacy, which will remap the internet without filters. I don't know about you, but I prefer unbiased search results. If you know of any other good solutions for an unbiased internet, your comment is welcome below.

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!

Remember. Zero trust for github, facebook, youtube, twitter, spotify, instagram, anymore.


Lol good shit. I don't even know what is but I'm gonna Ixquick it now! ;) Already deleted my entire google account and subbed to everyone I could on Bitchute. It's a brave new world!

I am moments away from that as well but I have 100 troll accounts at Goggle
I will take great pleasure in deleting them all one by one with a parting video.

I'd watch that! It's way easier w/Google too than say, deleting your FB acct.

I did want to respond that the Real Video referenced by vimeo is not the same as That is referencing things that have been around a lot longer and are unrelated as far as I can tell.

Likely leftover from the ages old battles between windows movie format .wmv, Apple Quicktime, and an old protocol call RealVideo from Real Networks. So the vimeo references seem to be in relation to that and videos in that older format.

I will have to recheck that. Content has changed on as of a day ago. There was very little on Alex when I first heard about it. Now, there is nothing there on him.

Watching Alex is a new experience for me. I have to take breaks :/

Rethinking some of this, the .eth addresses will be affected if there is a DNS shutdown. I will be running an IPFS server soon just to contribute. What about a DNS server? Colleges and deep-pockets make up the backbone but what if some of us who are independently wealthy start providing services.

As to DNS. I've heard tales of distributed DNS, and there are also dynamic DNS services. Those can help some. Yet I am not completely up to speed on the latest in those fields.

I am a network engineer by trade at the moment so I deal with DNS and BGP a lot, but as the things I am doing are not likely to ever be targeted I haven't come up with a solution for if it did happen.

As to Alex. He has pissed me off many times over the years. The only advice I can give is to remember he is human. We all make mistakes, and we can all have traits that do not appeal to some. I've seen him be a total asshole before, so while I don't LIKE him, I do believe he genuinely believes what he is saying and he does care.

So I just keep that in mind. I listen to him and others because occasionally they announce some info long before I hear it anywhere else and I go do some digging on my own.

I also am thankful, as I do think the world would be a much worse place today if not for Alex Jones. He stuck some spanners in some plans in the past of those who would control us.

There is no one I agree with completely. So I just listen, and use my own mind. I get the feeling many people think because they listen to someone they have to support or agree with them, so it is almost like some people (not you) are afraid to listen to Alex as they think he might program their mind.

I like David Knight from Real News quite a bit. Owen Shroyer is also very much like Alex in many ways but younger.

As to the Alex stuff that is over the top and flamboyant when he turns red and goes a little nuts. That just makes me chuckle now.

I appreciate him, though there are many things I don't agree with him on, and some things I agree, but don't agree with his approach. I make mistakes too though. So my way isn't necessarily better. Just different.

The main thing I've found is that pretty much all of the stories about him in the legacy/"mainstream" media are bullshit and often taken out of context or intentionally edited. Often they'll make claims without showing any evidence at all and just keep repeating those claims.


He's done a great job at foiling a lot of their plans just by sharing the information and getting it out in the open.

Great and valuable information @htooms!! I really appreciate your work.


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 7 years ago  Reveal Comment