Brilliant post @arthuradamson. I for one believe Bitconnect to be nothing short of a ponzi/pyramid scheme. The number of red flags is mind-boggling, yet so many choose to turn a blind eye. It's somewhat similar to being in a relationship with someone you "know" is gonna screw you over, and despite the protestations of friends and family, happily carry on with blinkers on full. As for the list of 'supporters', they strike me as paid shills for the most part. I would even hazard a guess to say who's behind this whole debacle, but not here, and he/she/it isn't on your list. I think what we'll find is that those behind Bitconnect are recreating the same mlm model to fund Bitconnect itself..kinda like a ponzi pyramid. This will not end well, and while I do feel sad for those who'll lose for sure, this whole thing will leave a nasty stain on the cryptoshere in general, and a huge collective facepalm from all the bros so emotionally attached to this smoke and mirrors nonsense.
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Thanks man - good points you make there.