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RE: Bitconnect investing misinformation - before I wised up: What you must know about your bitconnect investment.

in #bitconnect7 years ago (edited)

Interesting observation and analysis. I came across your page from doing a search on the WWW seeking information of if it was possible for me to purchase BCC with my interest profits, but there seemed to be no such information, and not even on Bitconnect itself, nor an allowed option.

Well, at least probably nice for you to know that you get some attention for your page getting ranked enough, probably from a google bot, to be on the very first page. I actually used Startpage for my websearch which is powered by google as we know how that went during the 2016 USA national elections with not much of a change since for what it will rank upward, not good for conservatives or libertarian thinkers.(anyhow, I digressed).

I just wanted you to know an update on Bitconnect is on their YouTube channel of "improvements" and I guess expansion of their service just came out recently. Looks like they're in it for the long haul. I think they're OK for the lending platform nowadays, but were great back in the ICO beginning for those that would have bought and held or staked.
Here's that YouTube link, about an hour's length:

P.S. my YouTube channel is Parcke075
with Crypto matters under playlist Entrepreneur so far, alhough I'm thinking of
changing it to a different name.