Do you think you can make me $1/day on average if I give you $100 to trade on BTC volatility? While you keep 2/3 of the profit (i.e. $2)?
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Do you think you can make me $1/day on average if I give you $100 to trade on BTC volatility? While you keep 2/3 of the profit (i.e. $2)?
They don't trade bitcoin volatility with the full $100. In their latest conference, they outlined how they invest. 50% gets invested in BCC and Bitcoin, not trading volatility. Then a portion of the other 50% gets put into a trading bot, according to them. I believe there is a trading bot, it is their internal market platform, they probably are the only ones enabled to do volatility trading on it, which is a legit thing. While this is profitable, there are risks, and 1% a day would still produce diminished returns. Maybe on 1 mil, you could get 1% a day, if it was amazing. Then when you try to volatility trade with 50 mil, the percentage should drop. The BCC system never dropped the percentage. Anyway, they already admitted it was a ponzi when they told us 50% is never traded by the bot, but is just a speculation on the price of BCC and BTC. If the price of BCC or BTC crashes 50%, how would they ever repay depositors? They couldn't, since the lending wallets never diminish.
Can you send me the link on their conference or if they have a youtube video?
what makes a difference 1 million or $100? 1 percent is one percent! If you look at their platform when you lend there're boxes at the bottom which say Lenders, Traders and the more you put in the numbers in those boxes increase. I don't think they have the trading bot but people (traders) who actually trade on bitcoin.
I'm not sure how or if they would repay the depositors if prices crashes but my understanding is that they might be using some exotic swaps in BTC.
Pls feel free to check my research on btc volatility vs bcc rate of return and let me know your thoughts: