
Yesterday Bitconnect was a scam.
Today Bitconnect is a scam.
Tomorrow Bitconnect will be be a scam.
The only thing that keeps Bitconnect running is the people who are promoting it just to get their juicy affiliate comission.

Yeah it is very true. They keep pumping it and telling everyone about it.

Soooo true

It is definitely a ponzi but that doesn't mean you cant ride the wave and make money while you can. check my article i talked about most areas of bitconnect

That is true but think about one thing, if no one ever invested in such ponzis then they would close having no scammed investors, you could make money but others will be scammed in exchange.

Ya I totally agree, It all looked very scammy to me. I think it is best to stay clear. Good point about acting the fool when everything falls apart. It's the only logical reason someone would keep acting like it wasn't a scam.

I think there probably are some people who really have convinced themselves that the bot is real and is super profitable but yeah other than that I think most people in it know it is a scam.

itll eventually turn into a scam. read my article i feel like i covered most areas about it.

Try before speak. Not a Scam

Psssshhh, It is very clear that it is a total scam. Since it is so great go do a $100,000 loan. Don't come crying when they take your money.

Hi Brian Brilliant!!

Thanks for checking out my post!

The cryptocurrency space is still extremely immature. That’s why there is room for so many scams. A time will come where more will be regulated, hopefully not by government but by a crypto friendly organization run by crypto minded people.

It does make everything really interesting though because there is so much happening right now.

Yeah but we went through this same situation in 2013/2014. There were scam coins being created all the time. Total pump and dump scams, ponzi schemes, MLM Crypto Mining Scams....etc. This is the second coming of the scams.

I do like your idea of having a crypto friendly organization that would put their stamp of approval on different projects. Just to give people a better idea of what seems legit and what isn't.

A lot of people don't like to talk out about stuff like Bitconnect. They just feel it is better to just stay positive and ignore stuff like that but it is getting way too big to ignore and some of the main recruiters are making so much money off of it as of now that it is creating a huge gravity well and people are looking to them for advice which honestly is sad.

Its a difficult one. Scam or pyramid scheme or whatever its called. Shady short term possibility of making money certainly if others are hooked in. I hate it!

Amazing. I hope steemit lives on forever