Not necessarily commenting on this coin specifically, but I tend to not trust the altcoins that have Bitcoin in their name. I mean if you're so confident of the tech why cling on to Bitcoin's name and brand?
BTW as far as zkSNARKs goes, why not stick to ZEC alone? My understanding is right now there are many coins implementing zkSnarks. I don't really understand the difference between those coins now, but I found it very interesting that even Snowden seems to like ZEC.
Although, the only reason for me to not like ZEC was because of 20% coins "Genius Tax" for the founders.
Of course you can't trust any altcoin out there. I mean there are hundreds of them. But for me, I tend to trust a bit more on open source, community driven projects. In the case of BitcoinZ they just had a big anonymous donation for BTCZ to be listed on one of the top 10 exchanges and we'll see how that works out :)
Nice to know that, thank you for that! \m/
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.