Steem and Bitcoin the Dynamic Duo to Create Wealth and Freedom in 2017

in #bitcoin7 years ago

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Please may I have your attention, what I am about to share with you may come as a surprise regarding our collective dilemma within the jurisdiction of the USA.
The topic in which I will now present may cause discomfort and even contempt by some, however, it must be said if truth has a place in the USA narrative where freedom and wealth are concerned.
Bitcoin in essence, functions as a tool for personal and collective wealth creation, as well as personal or collective liberation, certainly liberation and wealth creation represents personal aspirations which are in no way identical to others and how each person expresses what wealth and liberation means to them.
So, let us assume that each person capable of imagining what wealth and freedom feels and look like, and can write it down as descriptively as possible, and with those personal aspirations fully documented in writing, I am almost 100% sure that between Bitcoin, Steem and a few other crypto-currencies, that such aspirations can be fully realized no matter what circumstances may prevail with regard to wealth and freedom.
To illustrate several key facts, let us review Bitcoin closer and the incredible wealth attributes it possesses, Bitcoin can go places financially that even your USA dollars cannot, such as global investment in highly profitable niche markets, obtain debit cards equal to Visa and MasterCard, purchase property in places like Panama, Costa rica, Medellin Colombia, purchase businesses, obtain first world health care for a fraction of the price required in most Western Countries and much more.
Here’s the kicker, did you know that the USA government authorities threaten other countries with punitive repercussions in they offer citizens of the USA such opportunities which I have listed, furthermore, USA authorities will spare no expense to prosecute its citizens with incarceration and fines if they pursue such opportunities available throughout the global economy and market place?
Bitcoin has the ability to pierce that authoritarian veil which is reinforced by unspeakable violence and containment, yet we are apt to believe that we are a nation of peace, freedom, and justice.
Poverty is a man-made construct, it does not exist outside of the human experience, this repugnant imposition in all of its platitudes, stifle both individual potential as well as the nation as a whole, especially when those who legislate and enforce these objectionable practices, themselves are allowed to partake in all manner of global commerce only to deny the masses of such opportunities, are nothing more than a mafia hiding behind political bureaucracy to gain while others suffer.
The skillful use of Bitcoin eliminates this nonsense, but only when one fully understands the broad capacity of Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies, by endeavoring to master the multiple uses of bitcoin and other crypto-currencies, you will gain and secure a knowledge base that is tiers above the academic education that teaches outdated constructs of yesteryear.
Steem enables a user to share topics specific to a user’s profession, skills, expertise, creativity, aspirations and much more while receiving Steem credits which can later be converted to cash, the more useful the content on a consistent basis, the more like and votes one can receive, now how great is that?
Life is filled with constant events and circumstances that may compel users to share their experiences, but it gets better, Steem allows you share information through other platforms as well to increase the users content exposure, thus increasing the user’s ability to expand their content sharing abilities.
This is where the evolution begins, take notice, and dig in deep, freedom and wealth acquisition is a choice, and often, your accomplishments will not coincide with traditional paths towards success, in fact, the non-obvious methods usually produce greater results.
Bitcoin is like the Magic Chalice, just to have it, gives you an unprecedented advantage few understand right now, however, it is important to begin your quest for crypto-currency literacy beyond rhetoric, as it may soon become your life line during this age of sublime retribution.