"Jeff Berwick is Right" Cryptocurrencies New Battle with Its Most Formidable Enemy Yet

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)


Alert, Alert, Alert, Crypto Currencies are now the target of big GOVERNMENT, BANKS, and BIG CORPORATE INTEREST, but why now? The reasons to suppress, monitor, and control crypto currencies are many, but the methods to undermine the broader adoption by the masses towards cryptocurrency use, are clearly directed by the same group that lied to the world that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and that Syria used chemical weapons on its own people, the mass media which Banks, Government, and Corporate interest preside over.  The exuberant freedom and wellbeing through which, the masses may enjoy, by embracing crypto currencies rather than suffer under the current economic system, is primarily the elites greatest fear. Imagine if a significant portion of the population became enlightened to the fact that they no longer have to depend upon banks, Governments, Pawnshops, Car title loans, mortgage loans, personal loans, credit unions, jobs, and state lotteries, all of which further impoverishes the masses, cannot insure a stable financial future.  But unlike fiat currencies with all of its inherent debt traps, cryptocurrencies enable the masses to generate or acquire a form of value that is, by its very nature, better than fiat currencies in many ways, and unlike fiat currencies, crypto currencies can all but guarantee a bright future for the masses, and without government or bank interference.   

Elites Interference Sun Tzu in the art of war stated, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” Now we translate this premise as it relates to our current battle with the elites: (See a person's means, Observe his motives, Examine that in which he rests, How can a person conceal his true character) Problem: We in the crypto space understand our mission and goals to free ourselves from perpetual bondage under the current economic/financial systems, and will not acquiesce to any power that oppose are quest for freedom (Analyze, Organize, Strategize, Actualize) we must remain ten steps ahead of the assaults and crimes planned against us. Always remember, that crypto currencies and cryptography via the blockchain, which desperately needs improvements, was an answer to the oppressive brutal economic/financial system that has ruled for thousands of years unchallenged until now. And most importantly, we must be relentless and limitless within our creative capacities to out think, out maneuver, out plan, out strategize, out create, and outperform the oppressive regimes where ever they are upon the earth. (We know ourselves and we know the enemy)  Analysis & Evaluation: The enemy has several options to oppress and attack our efforts to invoke freedom for those who choose not to be slaves under an oppressive regime  1) Directly attack the blockchain network through covert means while blaming the attack either on others or by simply pushing the narrative that the blockchain and crypto currencies are inherently unreliable VS. the current oppressive system 2) Attack exchanges, digital wallets, blockchain based companies, and banks through state sponsored covert means while declaring that the government must regulate and impose controls and oversight throughout the blockchain and cryptocurrency industries. 3) Employ insiders to sabotage various industries within the crypto eco sphere 4) Force oppressive legislation upon the industry while employing talking heads within the mainstream media to support their nefarious agendas including but not limited to, taxation penalties, fines and jail time, asset seizure, etc, 5) Execute state sponsored cyber attacks against strategic targets across broad sectors of the crypto eco sphere 6) Shut down or ban specific yet key websites directly related to the crypto eco sphere, which can affect the greatest chaos within the crypto eco sphere, while simultaneously stealing crypto currencies from any number of exchanges as well as traditional banks, then blaming the attacks on anonymous hackers from a country or nation they oppose   7) shut down the internet in various intervals to effect massive problems for all internet users, while facilitating more chaos with the agenda to create social unrest, then offering relief of some kind to the masses through yet another instrument of oppression supposedly to help the people 8) Directly compete with crypto currencies via banking and government created crypto tokens and cryptocurrencies  9) Please look at various scenarios and prepare accordingly, the enemies of humanity arrogance is solely based upon the fact that they have won this game of oppression against the masses for so many centuries, that they have no need to believe that the outcome will be any different than it has ever been in the long run  Recent Events Just recently congress introduced a bill titled, Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017, the interesting fact that nobody ever asks is, where would terrorist cash in and use crypto currencies in the theatre of war, where there are no crypto debit cards, internet, electricity, Bitcoin ATM machines, and in desert areas? The truth of the matter is, Arab countries are cash and carry cultures, not debit, or credit card dependent like Western countries. These groups of mercenaries are paid in cash, not cryptocurrencies, they have no use for crypto currencies in such environments, if most westerners have never heard of crypto currencies, then how could anyone believe that these murderous savages have taken the time to educate themselves about crypto currencies, the blockchain network, digital wallet's, private keys, daily Bitcoin Price Fluctuations', or the use of crypto currency debit cards without providing personal information? The entire argument regarding crypto currencies being one of the choices that terrorist prefer is insanely laughable, the ridiculous premise that is being pushed is simply this, anything that has the capacity to free humanity from the clutches of the elites fiat scheme to intensify their enslavement of humanity while labeling cryptocurrencies as a threat to their rule, and control over humanity and therefore must be perceived and labeled as financial tools for terrorist.  The elite would prefer for humanity to remain in a state of insurmountable bondage from the cradle to the grave, and that no real solutions to free humanity can be allowed, and therefore must be categorized as an undeniable form of monetary terrorism.    Strategies to forge the attack Based upon the historical chronology on how the elite thinks and execute their false flags, the methods used are typically based upon, Problem, Reaction, Solution, tactics; and from this reasoning here are some of the events we must watch out for and counteract before they happen, but remember, once the elite realizes that we are on to their tactics, they pause and regroup, but they never cease, they always reshape and execute until they have achieved their ultimate objectives against the people of that nation or country through relentless violence, destruction and murder.    What can we soon expect?  Any bill that enslaves the people while empowering congress and the senate at the expense of the people will often become legislation, so expect this bill to become just that. Perish the illusion that government is for the people, they are simply criminals who want an enormous piece of the action with the objective to control it all, and if not, no one can be allowed to thrive with crypto currencies,  Declare any crypto currency assets to airport authorities before leaving the country, Exchanges will be required to turn over all records of users of the exchanges including all personal account information as well as the ability of an appointed government agency to seize and monitor all accounts,  Require all Bitcoin sellers to register with a government agency and file taxes on any Bitcoin or cryptocurrency earnings, all of which will have to be reported,  All wallet developers will have to provide this government agency with direct access to the wallets which belong to citizens of that country, this could unfold much like the Swiss bank account infiltration by insiders who leaked information about US account holders to various US agencies,  Miners based in the US might also have demands placed upon them as well, to what extent is anyone's guest,  International Companies that offer crypto currency Debit cards will be required to submit all information of US card holders to appointed US agency,  Outbreaks of violence, chaos, and disruptions throughout the crypto currency markets to justify the actions of the elite’s intentions to pull the plug or even ban various crypto currencies from various territories, Continuous attacks against crypto currency exchanges, wallets, and false claims of terrorist use, should be expected with frequency, prior to the push for legislation of this bill, Stiff penalties will accompany this bill which may fine people exorbitant fees and jail time for violators of the bill  Several large thefts of crypto currencies from exchanges are to be expected, including visual proof of terrorist using crypto currencies to purchase hummus, Captagon pills, and weapons from anonymous sources,  Expect the media to co-mingle crypto currencies rise with terrorist activities, especially when there is a horrific act of violence committed against innocent people,  Expect politicians to come out in droves to support the bill after several severe state sponsored events, or insider crypto currency sabotage of scale occurs.       Primary Tips   Never leave the bulk of your crypto assets on major or minor exchanges, as these platforms are the weakest links of vulnerability within the crypto space,  Begin to use paper wallets and hardware wallets immediately,  Stay away from sites and phone Apps that promise to double your Bitcoin or crypto assets period, they could very well function as tools to acquire enormous amounts of Bitcoin for nefarious purposes.  These are just some of the actions which we in the crypto eco sphere must prepare for, and all countermeasures must be put in place right now without delay.  Political Correctness will not help our cause, only appropriate behavior and action will protect our efforts from total destruction at the hands of the state through covert and overt means. This warning is not a surprise to us who understands the nature of the beast with regards to how crypto currencies have the potential to free the world from the oppressive regimes called governments that currently enslave humanity through fiat and violence.  Think smart and act wisely, never reveal your assets, and always use wallets that are not USA or EU based, keep learning, and start planning your strategies for freedom now. The elites abhor the very thought of freedom for their slaves, whose emancipation from economic and financial bondage can actually be realized through cryptography, crypto currencies, and the blockchain.  


It makes sense they will target anything that could interfere with their business or way of doing business, not saying it is right but basically it is inevitable. Sent a follow/upvote as well.

it's not about money to the elites, it's about control and bondage