The reality that for thousands of years stars stay EXACTLY where they need to be be to navigate ships ALL while MOVING at a MILLION MiPH and over billions of MILES in a SINGLE YEAR, let alone THOUSANDS of years??? You are good with that, every night you look up and they all there like the night before for thousands of years AND there moving and I'm nuts.
I commented under david hicks on that frauds video about 6 months back or so, oh well.
That FRAUD you posted is PAID Disinfo for sure. He contradicts himself and says he does not know that much about the moon landings and then goes on to say it would be harder to make a freaking movie than to go to the moon??? Did you even watch his bullshit?
Dude, the power it takes to transmit a signal from the moon would require a shiton of batteries and weight and back then they still couldn't do it which is why they did not lol.
I was alive when this happened and remember everything that was going on for years before and after this historic event. One of my relatives worked at NASA. So I guess you'll just have to consign me to being one of "those liars". Look up Occams razor on Google.
BTW, the stars do move millions of miles, but that is so small compared to the vast expanse of light years. At that distance a few million miles is about 0.001 arc seconds. They also move uniformly according to what's known as the red shift. Also the concept of vectors matter. When everything is moving apart at the rate of a millions of miles a year but they move away from the point of origin, if you stand at the point of origin, then the angular vector distance moved is actually zero because there's no measurable difference at the 90 degree angle to that explosion.
We aren't at the origin though, so there is a very small angular movement that gets corrected in the ephemeris. As a programmer, I've actually had to account for this in my software code that displays star positions on screen and gives epoch corrected coordinates. A million miles is not really very far at all. It sounds like a lot, but that's only 4 times the distance from here to the Moon.
What people have trouble understanding is scale so compare millions of miles compared to light years. Do the math and you'll find that the trigonometry is correct. Oh, but you don't believe in trig either... Good luck with that.
As far as signal transmission, you have to remember that space is a vacuum. Direct line radio transmissions take little energy. If you tried to pass a radio wave through solid material then you have signal loss. The air has very little resistance and space practically none.
I could have saved you time. I know EVERYTHING you wrote. I just don't bELIEVE the BULLSHIT, and saying you remember those times tells me you probably just cannot come to terms with the lie!
Seriously , EVEN NASA admits they cannot go to the moon now , they say they lost the technilogy anf the telemtry data and YOU beliee the bullshit is SAD.
Blind disbelief is as bad as blind belief. I don't believe blindly. I accept what's true because it works. If it created a contradiction that couldn't be easily explained, then reexamination is needed. So far flat earther's have violated Occams razor in order to stay true to their world view. Occams razor is an idea that the simplest answer tends to be the truth. The arguments around flat earth are startlingly similar to the switch away from the Ptolemaic view of the solar system into the Copernican view where the Sun is viewed as the center. Then relativity theory came along...
Agnoia is a serious problem that afflicts everyone. Nobody has the complete truth. There's a word in Greek called alethiea which is translated as "truth". When the "a" prefix is used in Greek it means the opposite, so while letheia means "concealment", aletheia means "unconcealment".
No reputable report says that NASA admits they didn't go to the moon. There's tons of disinformation out there.
I don't believe the earth is flat because one obvious visual explanation explains the altitude change of well known stars when moving north and south. If you have to use a hundred arguments to explain the same thing, you're dealing with an inferior model that will cause further mental contortions the more you use it.
Don Pettit is a FAKE AN ASTRO- NOT does he COUNT???
Is he REPUTABLE to YOU!!!!????
He isn't to me. Please explain WTF he means by what he says because my brain is to "SIMPLE" to figure out, I guess good ole. ozam will get it done..... PLEASE.... WAKE UP!!!!! I have MORE NASA LIARS saying they cannot go the moon , but lets ltake a listen to how you and NASA will WORM your way from the TRUTH.
Theres more too!
NASA where TECHNOLOGY moves BACKWARDS over the last 50 YEARS!
One more for laughs, or maybe tears for ruining the lie....
One more thought, I lost control of my ego in previous response. What sets me off is being talked too like a child essentially, like I never even LOOKED at the evidence you suggest, which seems pretty presumptive of YOU. What you brought up is like evidence 101 in the moon landing and I have been well aware of all of it. I just do not accept the explantions because there are lies which go unanswered by NASA.
The issue isn't important enough to me. We all know government lies, but I just don't agree that this particular one is a lie. If I'm wrong, it's no big deal, but I have the feeling that if you find out you're wrong it will crack your psyche too bad. It's a bad idea to get too attached to ideas. I think there's some emotional reason almost as if domination of thought is an imperative (which comes through your all caps) and that you must make others believe what you believe. The truth is often spoken much more silently. Because I'm an anarchist, I bow to no authority. I only accept what seems to be the most reasonable explanations that work.
DUDE I think the earth is freaking flat, I was pretty attached to the whole ball idea. idk, I knowI can be wrong, why not address NASA like you mentioned before and NOW you come back after I show you MULTIPLE INSANE statements and actions and you do NOT ADDRESS AV SINGLE POINT? But INSTEAD I am TOO ATTACHED TO MY IDEAS????? OK???.....
And I AGREE with you on lots of stuff. So maybe that makes YOU nuts by association with a lunatic like me lololol!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! sorry I am confused I will admit.
I don't know who Don Petit is and why I should take his word as being at all relevant. When videos use sound effects repeating a statement multiple times. lowering the voice, I immediately think of the brainwashing techniques of Edward Bernays.
If authority somehow agrees with something I think, which will inevitably happen because they are so many, I won't just change my ideas to contradict because eventually you'll be twisted into contradicting yourself much more often.
Bottom line is I don't know and don't care because it's not fundamental to the real issues facing us now. I just kind of regard flat earth ideas as an anomaly. Why fix on that? There are lots of issues out there that are far more damaging to the human race. If I get sidetracked by that, it just helps authority.
I hear you you . Sorry to be a bother.