I've heard of the FB censors coming from several other users, but this is the first time I've seen one of my comments censored by FB. They apparently don't like this link to Cicada DDD... This is the comment:
The comment was on topic and about astrological considerations for government downsizing. Was I off base for posting this or is this another example of the overreach of authority? Thoughts?
Donations (public bitcoin address):
My article on Steemit on "Privilege," possibly because it had no image to accompany it, and, therefore, had a large "STEEMIT" on it when I linked it to Facebook, was taken down. There is no evidence I can find that I ever linked it.
It wouldn't really be shocking considering they have surreptitiously blocked content from competing websites (cough Youtube cough) when they began their rollout of FB video. They have also been censoring bloggers who post links to their websites, saying they are in violation of their policies without any further explanation.
It's dumb because ultimately those people are just going to flock to Steemit or LBRY or any of the other up and coming sites. I'm not sure FB has it in them to compete on the level of these new platforms, and I think they are a few steps behind even in regard to specialized content and paying their content creators. Even then, only a literal handful get any kind of compensation. The cherry on top though was when I posted one of my videos to FB the other day, and what usually gets at least 15-20 likes and a good number of shares, got nothing. NADA. Then a few hours later I get a notification from FB telling me I could boost the post for more family and friends to see. More family and friends? I thought that's what FB was for? To show stuff to our family and friends, and that the ultimate price was selling our privacy to FB to sell to companies to hyper-market to us. Well, apparently that's not enough for greedy ole Zuck and now he thinks it's necessary to charge people to share stuff within their own circles.
Down goeth the great book of face methinks. Sooner rather than later.
When you consider that one of the executives of Facebook was recently hired by Coinbase, it seems like there could be a potential partnership in the future. This is not to discredit your concerns of censorship though. Personally, my BTC posts get almost no response anymore since the price went over $10k so there's no need for FB to censor me. :-)
Is this executive still working for FB?
No. I don't believe so. But I'm sure he still has contact information from some of his old colleagues.
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