When Satoshi Nakamoto first envisioned Bitcoin, is this what he imagined?
Bitcoin's price is all over the news. New record! $10K USD! Wait, now it's $11K! Crashing to $9K! Frenzied buying and selling! Rockets! Lambos! Moons!
I'll admit, I get caught up in the excitement of the ups and downs. But, have we lost something in the excitement?
To me, what's really exciting about Bitcoin is much more than just the price. Yes, the price is exciting, but what Bitcoin can do to change the world is really what it's all about.
Bitcoin is set to change the way we interact. It is a fundamental change in the way the world connects. This massive change is sometimes referred to as a "wave". When referring to the internet, the first wave was the launch of the internet into homes as a way to access information. The second wave was the birth of social connectedness on the internet through social media. And now, the third wave is approaching. It is the internet of things, connecting machines and people through automation, smart contracts, and electronic transfer of value and data. This is where Bitcoin truly shines.
Bitcoin is money, but it is much more than money. It is money - Liberated. Democratized. Decentralized. But it's also more than money. It can carry data. It can run programs. It can communicate. It can interact in ways money never could. This is what makes it so special.
We are on the precipice of a massive shift in the way the world interacts. It is sort of like being able to see and recognize the importance of that moment when someone first flew an airplane, or made the first telephone call, or first landed on the moon, knowing - at that moment - this was a sign of big changes to come. It is a change in the way the world views itself. It will change the way societies function. It will change the way people use money. It will change who has money and who does not. It will change who controls money... and data... and interactions.
Now that all sounds a little dramatic, but it really is true. It will change our lives.
And that, to me, is the true spirit of Bitcoin.
Thank for reminding us the value , of remembering satoshis's thoughts on the world monitery system.
Thoughts on this guys post? clue to the real satoshi?
Those are some very compelling points. The simplest of them - the initials - leads me to wonder whether it's true. It's interesting how the math works out so neatly, too.