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RE: Trace Mayer Is Now On Steemit!

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Glad to see you here. What does it take to get SteemDollars traded against USD and EUR on Kraken? I wonder why they have added Ethereum so early and haven't mentioned anything about SteemDollars yet? Do you know who to contact to discuss further steps?


Hello Xeroc,
Trace Mayer’s arrival on Steemit is certainly a Big BULLISH signal. A Kraken adopting of Steem would be one more Huge BULLISH signal.
Bellow, you’ll find the answer I got from Kraken’s support team regarding your question one month ago. You can join them here: ( the service is excellent, fast, friendly, polite…)
I’m very happy with that exchange! Very wise at decisions making, like for instance with the ETH/DAO/ETC issue. I was glad to receive my ETC for free after the fork… all exchanges are not that fair ;-)
Could Trace’s membership incentivise Kraken to make it’s mind about Steem ? I hope so 

Josh (Kraken Support)
Jul 14, 06:58 PDT
Thanks for the suggestion, I will make a note of your request, but to be clear we don't have any plans to add it at this time and are only considering it as a feature request that we may or may not accommodate.
Kraken Client Engagement Team

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