
ETC is now about 15$ and ETH is about 15·ETC.
So both eventually grew in dollar terms, so cashing out in dollar would have been bad.
But it's worth comparing the effective exchange rate to see at which point in time - if at all - one should have traded ETC for ETH.

Sounds like segwit has been agreed though so might be that the old chain dies real quick. I don't hold any BC :(

Last time I really though about buying in it was at $100. Feel so dumb now lol

Well, if you have the means to buy crypto, if you buy ETH on the last day of this month, it's almost guaranteed to make you money. I'd bet quite a bit that it will eventually go up to 230$ again, but because of the August first spiel, it will keep falling this week.
Of course this is just an opinion too.