A Venezuelan and Paraguayan were arrested for fraud with Bitcoin investment obligations

in #bitcoin7 years ago

A Venezuelan and a Paraguayan the possibility of spending up to three years in jail for being accused of being responsible for the pyramid scheme or Winandway Dale SA claiming "bonds or investment programs of Bitcoin" sale in accordance with the circular of the National Commission of Values ​​(CNV) of Paraguay.

The detainees in the neighborhood of Belén, Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, are Paraguayan Darío Rafael Ayala and Llerena Deybu Villalba Roibert Molina of Venezuela, who were arrested after a search at their home by agents of investigation of economic crimes Paraguay Tuesday, August 8,

The arrests were almost immediate warnings issued by the CNV are made Monday, August 7 in which he said that the company identifies as unauthorized Winandway to do the distribution of the securities in Paraguayan territory, as well as any public offering values ​​of In article 5 of the Securities Trading Act "... Any public offering of securities will require the prior approval of the Commission."

In addition, circular n ° 012/2017 specific promoters or signature of providers are subject to fines or imprisonment for up to three years.

It is important to note that Paraguayan legislation not only punish those responsible, but all those who are associated with the company that made offers or acting as intermediaries, promoters and recruiters.

They will be punished with imprisonment of up to three years or a fine

  • make a public offering of securities without complying with the requirements of registration in the register required by this Law or in securities of compliance made whose registration has been suspended or canceled.

  • Those acting as intermediaries (...), independent external auditors or risk assessors without being registered in the corresponding records or whose record has been suspended or canceled.

National Value Comission

At present, there is no information on the legal status of the detainees on Tuesday or formal charges that IMPUTADOS the prosecutor in charge of the Marcelo García de Zúñiga case.

It is important to note that the decision of the CNV comes after a major advertising campaign by various media in the country.

It also draws attention to the growing number of pyramid alert schemes made by the CNV in recent weeks, since the day that circulated Winandway also alerted the public and the media in the two other alleged scams: PayDiamond Paraguay Paraguay Prospery.

Prospery Paraguay Club is a company that intends to sell bonds or investment programs of proscoins, an alleged virtual currency. For its part, Paraguay PayDiamond works the same way, but selling diamonds. The two companies are working illegally.

But that's not all, since last May, the financial authority issued new warnings. This time on virtual platforms and D9 MinerWorld.

Such events hurt the whole community Bitcoin, because it is a scheme of the pyramid would make to fail any change made by the cryptoentorno to dissociate illegal activities and pyramid schemes. It can also lead to the loss of confidence of the people of Paraguay in digital currencies.


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