The Revolution of Organizations: DAOstack

in #bitcoin6 years ago


Perhaps some of you have heard of bitcoin, some of you have heard of blockchain and perhaps there are one or two madmen who have heard of Ethereum or DAO Ethereum.

First we will start by talking about what blockchain is:

In short, blockchain is a decentralized system in which information is stored in a synchronized way on computers all over the world, blockchain is so called because all computers (called nodes) contain the same "blockchain" that has the information. So far the application that has had the blockchain is in the financial field and information about bitcoin transactions, Blockchain is synonymous with security, since in order to edit or alter the information within the system you would have to change the information on all computers at the same time.

I'm going to give you a simpler example of how to explain the blockchain, imagine a big field where there are 10,000 people, suddenly a pink unicorn comes into the field flying in and lands in the middle of the field for a few seconds and then leaves. If within seconds of this happening, each person were asked with a truth serum about what happened, they would all give the same answer and it would be almost impossible to coordinate a lie with at least half the people in the field in such a short time.

That's how secure the information on the blockchain network is, other promising applications that are within the blockchain network are: smart contracts, digital votes, collective intelligence, etc.

All right, now let's get down to what we care about: The DAO.

The Ethereum is a project that takes advantage of this technology, but in a better way than bitcoin does, this project has its own currency the Ether (ETH), used for payments and transactions. It has a Decentralized Autonomous System (DAO) whose function is to generate intelligent contracts that can be executed in two parts, without the need for an intermediary. In that case, if both parties comply with the conditions, the transaction will be executed, so there is no need for an "authority", a legal system or an external mechanism of obligations to intervene. The best thing is that it cannot be influenced by governments, organizations or political parties since it operates from the cloud.

From my point of view, the DAOs are a great project that seeks to be as impartial and decentralized as possible, so that all members of the organization have a voice in decision-making, both for small and large decisions.

Within this project there is a system that is at the forefront of this technology, it is the one that comes closest to creating this dream, this future for organizations, free of corruption and centralization of authority, this is: DAOstack.

Let's talk a little DAOstack:


As I said before, it is a technology based on the blockchain Ethereum, it is a system that has been working hard since 2016, whose main objective is to give companies and organizations a way of working within a decentralized environment, that is, without being accountable to an intermediary, and also to provide a safe and transparent environment where the decisions (taken among all the members of the organization) are reliable and unalterable.

DAOstack has as one of its objectives to create a formation between the benefit and the interest of the individual and the benefit and the interest of the collective. Unlike most systems, DAOstack does not follow a particular set of protocols, but is designed to be agnostic and the basis of multiple ecosystems.


Use Case

Let's say that the Roronoa Company has a new CEO and he cares fervently for his employees, because of this the new CEO wants to know the opinion of his employees regarding how things are handled in the company, for this he prepares a form that distributes among all employees to know their opinions, obviously when collecting the information he takes more into account the opinion of the top management than that of the lower level employees. If the company uses the DAOstack system, the opinion of all employees will be equally taken into account according to their reputation, so that senior management cannot alter the results according to their convenience.

DAOstack Structure


  • Arc is the smartest component within the DAOstack structure, it can be compared to a DAO element management system, it is similar to WordPress and we all know everything that Wordpress did for web design.
    Hives is the element that registers the project.

  • .js in a nutshell is the bridge, it has the ability to build an API for anything without having any knowledge of SOLIDITY.

  • Alchemy this is the user interface, it is the bridge between the user and the capabilities of the code.

Token DAOstack

The native token of the DAOstack system is the GEN, it will feed the transactions within the system, the GEN will be distributed to the value creators through the DAOstack framework, this will help enormously to support the development and promotion.



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Road Map

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DAOstack Video Introduction

More Information and Resources
