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RE: 4th Dimension: Bitcoin-Manipulation-Cartel — Price-Suppression is the Goal

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Do you understand the concept of net delta in exposure? If you explore this topic from a hedging perspective, you might come to a different answer than a conspiracy theory.

Because big price action happens at the point of futures release does not mean the it is an intended impact but can be a collateral impact of delta exposure by big players. Wait until you have options out and you have gamma exposure. It will get more wild, yet more useful for predicting market direction.

When that happens, I'll be tracking gamma exposure because it will be published and it will give me a trade signal. But if you continue to call it a cartel you'll miss the opportunity. I'm talking in these terms so you'll do your research as using delta and gamma exposure of big players is more than I can write in a a comment.

But I would dump the conspiracy theory talk and learn these concepts and you'll be able to position with these players.