
Not worth it. I looked into it over five years ago and the computing power needed even then was insane and there was no way I could ever compete. Basically, back then I would have needed a series of gaming laptops with super fast internet and to live in an ice cave to keep the heat down. No thnx! Hahaha. Of course the price went up about 10,000% after I made that decision. Story of my life!

There are several reasons why now the usual mining is unprofitable and this: the equipment for mining the crypt costs a lot of money, and its payback under current circumstances will be very low, no one excludes the markdown of equipment that becomes obsolete very quickly, high electricity costs, mining crypto-currencies is beneficial only in those regions where electricity costs a penny, huge competition in the mining community also does not allow beginners or people who have weak equipment to fully engage in coin mining.

Unless you are using someone else's power, it's not worth it.