Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? The name is genuinely Japanese: Nakamoto (中本) is a common family name and Satoshi (in Japan usually written as two characters 哲史, but Chinese people prefer a single character 聰) is his given name, but most experts believe it is a pseudonym (fake name).

Based on forensic evidence, Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, is probably not a Japanese person:

(1) All of his posts and comments use British spellings, British word choices and are completely free of grammar errors. He could of course be perfectly bilingual, but there is other evidence pointing to his being either British or a commonwealth citizen.

(2) Satoshi Nakamoto always posted during UK daylight hours, even on weekends. This would indicate that he was probably living in the UK.

(3) It is even possible that “Satoshi Nakamoto” is not a single person, but a group of ingenious programmers.

In the final analysis, does his identity really matter that much? The important thing is that his creation has taken on a life of its own and brought about a host of innovations. Apart from bankers, all of us should all be grateful for the creation of such useful cryptocurrencies.



I have seen people (including Bix Weir!) say they think it is a group of people that includes ALAN GREENSPAN! If THAT is true, then it does matter. Fiat currencies ALWAYS fail, the banksters know that. There is a very real chance they PLANNED this "crypto revolution" to get us off the dollar without giving up control of the financial markets. If we see the cryptos become the currency of Wall Street, I will consider it proof that cryptocurrency was just the next bankster fraud and liquidate mine to buy metals...

I think the emergence of crypto caught "them" by surprise. However, authoritarian governments and central banks are guaranteed to feel threatened by anonymous cryptocurrency, so a counterattack is inevitable.

What I foresee is a tremendous "natural" disaster such as a HAARP-triggered tsunami:

(Korean movie with Spanish subtitles, but guessing is quite easy)
"Natural" disasters are easily deniable, but false flag attacks are also possible. Soon after the economy inevitably seizes up, they will roll out their own version of cryptocurrency, one that they can control.

Yeah, we are pretty much on the same page. I am just not 100% that bitcoin is not their baby, it just got a little out of hand. Sort of like the internet...

I'm beginning to shift to your POV. BTC may very well be "their" creation.

Lol! I am impressed with your attention span and ability to find old stuff on here. I recall having this conversation, I could NEVER have found it again. Either way, it is what it is and it is clearly a genuine "paradigm shift" so - better to understand it than ignore it, as I was doing up until 6 months ago.

That's exactly what i thought about cryptocurrency. Because their "house of cards" monetary system is going to fail soon because the debt based system isn't sustainable.

@fishyculture. Bix Weir opinion is weird. So I call him Bix Weird. He also said that he thinks Charlie Lee of Litecoin is working with FB. Charlie Lee tweeted "About rumors, I am not aware of any Amazon or Facebook partnerships.". Bix Weir wished everybody Merry Christmas and said as far as he's concern, America is a Christian country. Let me see. Who came to America before Europeans, the native Americans. Are they Christians? Who live in America now, only Christians? Is Bix Weird willing to say on behalf of Christians in America that they are willing to pay taxes for all non-Christian Americans? Since it's a Christian country, then Christian should fulfil all obligations. Bix Weird is a person who is not able to apply simple logic in his thinking. So takes his opinions with a grain of salt.

I watched a great documentary on the subject, unfortunately I can't remember the name of it. However the doc focused on a group of programmers who were working in cryptography and sharing messages on public boards.

They narrowed it down to 2 out of the 6, and they said that it was either the English guy or the American, but most likely the English one.

I like the fact that it's a mystery, he remains a legend; his name becoming like that of Robin Hood :-)


Thank you! With your permission, this is how I will henceforth refer to Satoshi Nakamoto:

Crypto Robin Hood Strikes Fear Deep in Bankers' Hearts!

Is the name really spelled with those particular kanji? Aren't there multiple ways to write it even in Japanese?

Yes, and no. The name is a real one and the characters are real: there is an older gentleman who is into networking and the like, but he denies being the real SN.

In Japanese Wikipedia, he is referred to using katakana, the syllabic spelling system used for foreign words and foreign names in Japanese. This implies that he is seen as a foreigner with a Japanese pseudonym.

Thanks for the interesting input. Forensic linguistics coupled with corpus analysis is an interesting technique.

BTW, shouldn't your title be turned around? The usual sequence in English is to first mention the topic of discussion, followed by comments on the topic: "Satoshi Nakamoto is probably Wei Dai" seems more idiomatic.

"Satoshi Nakamoto is probably not a Japanese person" sounds natural.

"A Japanese person is probably not Satoshi Nakamoto" sounds odd.

I don't see your point. "Wei Dai" and "Satoshi Nakamoto" are both names. Is there any difference ? It is not like "a japanese person".

英文句型的邏輯結構: 已知內容在前面,相關評語(新的內容)在後面, 後面是整句的焦點所在.

The name "Satoshi Nakamoto" is very well-known by now, so mentioning "Wei Dai" at the end of your sentence makes him the focus of attention.

#1: My grandmother, who is 95 years old, is a member of Hell's Angels.

#2: My grandmother, who is a member of Hell's Angels, is 95 years old.

#2 seems to imply that being a member of Hell's Angels is no big deal. #1 is a much better sentence than #2 because it puts the most surprising fact at the very end (Being 95 years old is not very unusual for a grandmother).

Hell's Angels' "Gentleman Gerry" Funeral Cortege Goes Through London, CC--BY-NC David Jones 大卫 琼斯

I see. Maybe personally I think Wei Dai is well-known enough considering Satoshi Nakamoto cited him in the fist place of the white paper.

It is even more strange he is not as well-known as Nick Szabo. Interestingly, Nick Szabo thinks Wei Dai might be Satoshi and Wei Dai thinks Nick Szabo might be Satoshi.

I have been teaching English for about 40 years, so I might know a little about how to craft an effective sentence ;-)