In a nutshell, Faucets are FREE cryptocurrencies, requiring nothing more than a little time and patience. The following guide is based on a Coinpot wallet, and just 7 different faucets. There are many, many others, but I have found these to be among the best, most reliable, and easiest to use. You don’t have to buy anything or set anything up. Just create a few accounts.
There are NO downloads required, and these faucets are automatically configured to the Coinpot wallet.
It’s all been done for you, and it’s all FREE. All you need is a computer and an email address.
Now, to be clear, not all faucets are like Coinpot, so be careful. The reason Coinpot was chosen for this experiment is due to its ease of use and credibility.
This is an excellent entry point into the crypto world, without any out of pocket expense.
So, just how much can you make on Coinpot in one year? It’s a fair question. People want to know how much they can make before investing the time. I understand.
The answer is, it depends. There’s a wide range. Based on my model you can make as little as $900 or as much as $2 million in 1 year. It depends on a variety of factors including: the original claim amount, the number of times you claim a day, the number of referrals you have, the number of times your referrals claim a day, loyalty days and a number of other factors, not to mention the price of crypto.
A calculator had to be created to figure it all out. Within the calculator there are scenarios that help to understand how the different factors above can impact your daily claim amount. These scenarios are labeled min, mid and max. The min scenario represents the person who puts forth the least amount of effort. The max scenario models out the power user with the highest amount of activity. The mid scenario is somewhere in between.
Here’s a quick slide to help explain each scenario:
In other words, Min activity is just mailing it in with one click a day. Mid activity is someone with 100 referrals making between 25 and 48 claims a day, and Max activity is someone who’s maxing out every claim. Try to think of Min as a lower limit, Max as an upper limit and Mid as an average.
Next, the daily claim was an annualised amount from each faucet calculator under each scenario, made into a forecast of crypto currencies one year from today and these are the results.
The first set of results provides an estimate of how much you can make if crypto prices remain the same as they are today.
As you can see from the boxes highlighted in yellow, the minimum amount you can make is around $900, the middle point is around $10K and the max is almost $70K
So, another way to interpret the results is:
If you’re just mailing it in with 1 claim a day for the rest of the year and have no referrals, you can make $900, providing prices remain the same.
If you make 24–48 claims per day with 100 referrals doing the same thing, you can make $10K, providing prices remain the same.
If you make max claims per day (58–288) with 500 referrals doing the same thing, you can make $70K, providing prices remain the same.
The thing about crypto is that the price does not stay the same. As much as I like free money, I wouldn’t be advising you to do this for $900 a year — though that’s nothing to sneeze at, especially if it’s free. Early investors of Bitcoin paid just $.06 for a Bitcoin. A $100 investment seven years ago would be worth $28 million today. It is highly unlikely that crypto prices in one year will be what they are today.
What if crypto prices grew 30% on average? The following chart shows what happens to the value of your crypto holdings if crypto prices at the end of 2018 are 30% higher than they are today. Now things start to get interesting!
If you’re just mailing it in with 1 claim a day for the rest of the year and have no referrals, you can make $1,100, with a 30% increase in prices.
If you make 24–48 claims per day with 100 referrals doing the same thing, you can make ~$13K, with a 30% increase in prices.
If you make max claims per day (58–288) with 500 referrals doing the same thing, you can make ~$90K, with a 30% increase in prices.
This is amazing, but again, I wouldn’t be telling you to do this for $1,100. The reason people are interested in cryptos, the reason why people are taking out a mortgage on their home (DO NOT DO THAT) to invest in cryptocurrency is because of the exponential growth rates. Bitcoin, Dash, Litecoin and Dogecoin all grew by 1326%, 5935%, 5215% and 3916%, respectively, over the last year (Bitcoin Cash just started in late July/early Aug.).
This is amazing growth and there’s a chance it won’t ever happen again, but cryptos have been on a growth trend for the past five years so I don’t think last year was a fluke. Here’s a chart showing the pace of growth in the crypto market over the last 5 years.
As you can see, market capitalization grew from $8.8 billion in 2013 to $221 billion in 2017. 2014 was a bad year, but all other years saw phenomenal gains. Now that the word is out about the value of cryptos, I believe the growth trend will continue to grow exponentially.
So what if the cryptos in your Coinpot portfolio grow at the same level they grew at last year in 2018? These are the results:
If you’re just mailing it in with 1 claim a day for the rest of the year and have no referrals, you can make $13K if prices grow the same rate as they did last year.
If you make 24–48 claims per day with 100 referrals doing the same thing, you can make ~$240K if prices grow the same rate as they did last year.
If you make max claims per day (58–288) with 500 referrals doing the same thing, you can make ~$2 million if prices grow the same rate as they did last year. Note: there is no max on referrals so this could be higher.
Cryptos may not be able to keep up the bull run they had last year, but if they do it means you could be sitting on a nice portfolio of crypto by the end of the year without spending a dime.
Here’s a quick overview slide of all three price scenarios.
No matter what the scenario, in terms of activity level or price, Coinpot is a great way to invest in cryptocurrency without incurring any risk. It’s also great for people that are new to the cryptocurrency world.
"Sounds to good to be true", you say? Well, this is actually one of the very, very few times in life that this is actually not the case!! Read on...
How To Sign Up For & Maximize Coinpot Faucets:
So now that you see the potential, these are the steps to sign up and get started:
Step 1: Sign up for a Coinpot MicroWallet(CoinPot) to another wallet. ( This is a where each faucet will send your “claim”. When you reach your withdrawal minimum, you will want to move your crypto currency from your software wallet
Step 2: Sign up with each of the following faucets. Each one of these faucets is already connected to your Coinpot MicroWallet. As long as you sign up with the same email address you used to sign up for your Coinpot, they are automatically connected. Play around with each faucet a bit to get a feel for how this works. Please use my referral codes to sign up for the faucets:
Moon Bitcoin
Moon Dogecoin
Moon Litecoin
Moon Bitcoin Cash
Moon Dashcoin
Bit Fun
Bonus Bitcoin
Step 3: Optimize your claim amount on each faucet. Follow the modeled out performance of each faucet below.
Each faucet has its own incentive structure. In general there are two different structures. Your goal is to maximize the claim by paying attention to rewards:
Moon Bitcoin
This is a unique faucet. It pays out in Bitcoin. It is the only incentive structure with 5 different bonus categories. Each bonus category gives you the ability to double your claim amount. It also pays at 50% for referrals. This makes Moon Bitcoin one of the best opportunities in the Coinpot faucet network. In addition to referrals, Moon Bitcoin also rewards the following:
Loyalty bonus — Action: make a claim at least once a day. This is the easiest bonus. All you have to do is make a claim every day and you get a bonus. If you miss a day, it resets back to 1 and you have to walk up to 100% again.
Referral bonus — Action: refer at least 100 people to take full advantage of the referral bonus.
In addition to getting 50% of your referral’s claims, you also get a 1% bonus for every person you sign up — up to 100%. This bonus has a ceiling of 100 people, but your referral commission does not.
Offer Bonus — Action: do 10 offers to take full advantage of the 100% claim bonus. This bonus has a ceiling of 10 offers.
Mystery Bonus — Do nothing and earn this bonus.
Mining Bonus — Mine on your computer for a 100% bonus depending on your hash rate. This is reasonably new.
There’s one other thing that is absolutely critical in your claim amount. This is true for all 7 faucets — the number of times you claim can drastically increase your daily claim amount. For example, based on the current claim rate which is published on the Moon Bitcoin site, if you claim every 5 minutes for 4 weeks you get 16,128 satoshi (assuming no referrals or bonus opportunities). However, if you claim every 4 weeks you get 111 satoshi.
The key to optimizing this faucet is to claim every 25 minutes or so. This is the max out time, not 5 minutes. This may change, but current claim rates show that there is no benefit to claiming at smaller time intervals. You don’t start to make less satoshi until you wait for 30 minutes or more. So you can claim more often, but you won’t make any more than if you claim every 25 minutes (I say 25 because you don’t want to wait until the last minute). This makes MoonBitcoin one of the easier Moon faucets to reach maximum claims on. If you can’t claim every 25 min, at least claim once a day for the loyalty bonus. You want to refer at least 100 people to take advantage of the 50% referral commission and max out on the 1% per referral bonus. You want to do 10 offers to take advantage of the offer bonus. You can also get a bonus for mining on your computer. Focusing on these actions can greatly increase your claims.
Moon Dogecoin is like Moon Bitcoin, but pays out in Dogecoin. All the Moon faucets have the same basic structure, but not as many bonus options.
Loyalty bonus — Action: make a claim at least once a day. This is the easiest bonus. All you have to do is make a claim every day and you get a bonus. If you miss a day, it resets back to 1 and you have to walk up to 100% again.
Referral bonus — Action: refer at least 100 people to take full advantage of the referral bonus. In addition to getting 25% (not 50% like Moon Bitcoin) of your referral’s claims, you also get a 1% bonus for every person you sign up — up to 100%. This bonus has a ceiling of 100 people, but your referral commission does not.
Mystery Bonus — Do nothing and earn this bonus.
The key to optimizing this faucet is to claim every 25 minutes or so. This is the max out time, not 5 minutes. This may change, but current claim rates show that there is no benefit to claiming at smaller time intervals. You don’t start to make less dogecoin until you wait for 30 minutes or more. So you can claim more often, but you won’t make any more than if you claim every 25 minutes. I say 25 because you don’t want to wait until the last minute. If you can’t claim every 25 min, at least claim once a day for the loyalty bonus. This makes MoonDoge one of the easier Moon faucets to reach maximum claims on. You want to refer at least 100 people to take advantage of the 25% referral commission and max out on the 1% per referral bonus. Focusing on these actions can greatly increase your claims.
Moon Litecoin is the same as Moon Dash (see below), but it pays out in Litecoin. Though it has a similar bonus structure to MoonDoge and MoonBitcoin, it requires more claims to max out.
Loyalty bonus — Action: make a claim at least once a day. This is the easiest bonus. All you have to do is make a claim every day and you get a bonus. If you miss a day, it resets back to 1 and you have to walk up to 100% again.
Referral bonus — Action: refer at least 100 people to take full advantage of the referral bonus. In addition to getting 25% (not 50% like Moon Bitcoin) of your referral’s claims, you also get a 1% bonus for every person you sign up — up to 100%. This bonus has a ceiling of 100 people, but your referral commission does not.
Mystery Bonus — Do nothing and earn this bonus.
The key to optimizing this faucet is to claim at least once a day for the loyalty bonus. To maximize this claim you need to claim every 5 minutes or 288 claims per day which is the highest of any faucet except Moon Dash. This makes MoonLitecoin and MoonDash slightly harder than the other Moon faucets, but not by much. You want to refer at least 100 people to take advantage of the 25% referral commission and max out on the 1% per referral bonus. Focusing on these actions can greatly increase your claims.
Newest faucet. The bonus structure is the same as MoonDoge and MoonLitecoin, but pays out in Bitcoin Cash. You can optimize your daily claims by doing the following:
Loyalty bonus — Action: make a claim at least once a day. This is the easiest bonus. All you have to do is make a claim every day and you get a bonus. If you miss a day, it resets back to 1 and you have to walk up to 100% again.
Referral bonus — Action: refer at least 100 people to take full advantage of the referral bonus. In addition to getting 25% (not 50% like Moon Bitcoin) of your referral’s claims, you also get a 1% bonus for every person you sign up — up to 100%. This bonus has a ceiling of 100 people, but your referral commission does not.
Mystery Bonus — Do nothing and earn this bonus.
The key to optimizing this faucet is to claim every 25 minutes or so. This is the max out time, not 5 minutes. This may change, but current claim rates show that there is no benefit to claiming at smaller time intervals. You don’t start to make less satoshi until you wait for 30 minutes or more. So you can claim more often, but you won’t make any more than if you claim every 25 minutes. I say 25 because you don’t want to wait until the last minute. If you can’t claim every 25 min, at least claim once a day for the loyalty bonus. This makes MoonCash one of the easier Moon faucets to reach maximum claims on. You want to refer at least 100 people to take advantage of the 25% referral commission and max out on the 1% per referral bonus. Focusing on these actions can greatly increase your claims.
MoonDash is the same as MoonLitecoin, but it pays out in Dash.
Loyalty bonus — Action: make a claim at least once a day. This is the easiest bonus. All you have to do is make a claim every day and you get a bonus. If you miss a day, it resets back to 1 and you have to walk up to 100% again.
Referral bonus — Action: refer at least 100 people to take full advantage of the referral bonus. In addition to getting 25% (not 50% like Moon Bitcoin) of your referral’s claims, you also get a 1% bonus for every person you sign up — up to 100%. This bonus has a ceiling of 100 people, but your referral commission does not.
Mystery Bonus — Do nothing and earn this bonus.
The key to optimizing this faucet is to claim as often as you can, at least once a day for the loyalty bonus. To maximize this claim you need to claim every 5 minutes or 288 claims per day which is the highest of any faucet except Moon Dash. This makes MoonLitecoin and MoonDash slightly harder than the other two faucets. You want to refer at least 100 people to take advantage of the 25% referral commission and max out on the 1% per referral bonus. Focusing on these actions can greatly increase your claims.
Bitfun is slightly different. It pays out in Bitcoin at a higher rate than MoonBitcoin and has no limitations on claim time. You can also play games and do offers. Playing games does not increase faucet amount rate, however.
Referral bonus — Action: refer as many people as possible to take advantage of the 50% commission.
The key to optimizing this faucet is to claim around 4hrs, but there is no loyalty bonus. You want to refer as many people as you can to take advantage of the 50% referral commission. Focusing on these actions can greatly increase your claims.
Bonus Bitcoin pays out in Bitcoin. The amount you can claim varies, but you can get a bonus of 5% on all your claims and referrals for the past 3 days as long as you make a claim every day. You can only make a claim every 15 minutes.
Referral bonus — Action: refer as many people as possible to take advantage of the 50% commission.
The key to optimizing this faucet is to claim as often as you can every 15 min. You want to refer as many people as you can to take advantage of the 50% referral commission and the 72 hr loyalty bonus. Focusing on these actions can greatly increase your claims.
Final thoughts: Crypto is For Everyone
The world of investments is largely cut off from people that don’t have the means, but crypto isn’t. I have family and friends on both sides of the wealth spectrum and this is a great way for both to accumulate coins. Those that have money, but are worried about Bitcoin’s viability, can use faucets as a no risk way to still participate in the crypto boom. Those that don’t have the money can also use this as a way to participate.
Translation: If you don’t have $1 million (or even $10,000), Coinpot is a great way to build a diversified portfolio of high potential crypto. It is a portfolio strategy in and of itself.
Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dash and Dogecoin represent a good cross-section of cryptos available on the market today. The only one that’s missing is Ethereum and I’m looking for a good Ethereum faucet to recommend now.
It is also worth noting that the learning curve for crypto is steep, but you don’t have to know any of that for Coinpot. Coinpot is a wallet and the faucets it supports are already set up to deposit directly into your Coinpot wallet — real time. It couldn’t be any easier.
Now, on to probably the most critical part of this crypto puzzle — security. You need to keep your crypto safe — it’s not safe in Coinpot once you make more than the threshold limits.
The threshold limit varies for each coin. According to the website, “Withdrawal requests are processed and paid directly to your wallet within 48 hours.” In my experience, it’s much faster.
These are the current withdrawal threshold limits which can be found on Coinpot when you click on “Withdraw”:
Moon Bitcoin — 10,000 satoshi (.00010000)
Moon Bitcoin Cash — 10,000 satoshi (.00010000)
Moon Litecoin — 200,000 latoshi (.00200000)
Moon Dashcoin — 20,000 duffs (.00020000)
Moon Dogecoin — 50 dogecoin — side note: you can only withdraw dogecoin to a dogecoin wallet (for free). Then you can transfer to your main wallet.
Once you reach the threshold, you should withdraw your coin to a safe wallet. This is the best article I’ve found on crypto wallets: It also recommends a few wallets and explains what your options are far better than I can.
Once you decide on one of these wallets, you need to follow that wallet’s instructions for receiving or depositing funds. These instructions are very important — do not skip this part.
Your new wallet will give you an address in order to deposit funds. Each address is specific to a certain coin. In other words, you have a different address for each coin. Copy the address and put it in the “withdrawal box” in Coinpot. You want to copy your address and put it in the box. DO NOT mix these up. You will loose your coins! Check and double check the address is correct. I also strongly suggest setting up the 2FA security code.
You’re not quite done yet. Once you make this request, Coinpot will send you a verification email to confirm your request as an extra layer of security. If you don’t click the link, the withdrawal will not occur.
That’s it. You're done. You are now crypto savy!
NOTE: Take what has been written here and make it your own. You have full license to plagiarize all you want. First, replace my referral codes with your own referral codes (please let me know if you need help finding your codes). Send it out to your friends and family. Set up a seminar at your community center or library. Send it out on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram. Share the love. Share the knowledge. It is after all, FREE!!!
This is well written and extensive. These are by far my favorite faucets, along with link with coinpot tho) thanks for all your work, definitely not easy.
Thanks bud. I also use those 2, but as you pointed out, they don't feed directly back to the Coinpot wallet. Its only reason they were 'left out'. Another post maybe?
Thanks for this @virtalch !
I implemented your advice on the day I read this post and I've just made my first withdrawal of Litecoin, it was just over the 0.002 threshold. It isn't in my wallet yet but everything seems fine as far as I can tell.
I know the amounts seem trivial but this was 100% free and a no risk way to experiment with wallets and transfers etc. The coinpot wallet just needs an email address so it's almost anonymous too.
I'm really grateful for all the effort you put into making this post. Thanks man!
I collected all the free coins I could and then rolled them into Litecoin to cross the withdrawal threshold and it took about two days.
I was also using their mining features on my main computer & on another computer through the earn more links. The mining seems to work on my main PC but I'm not seeing anything in my coinpot account coming from the mining on the other PC (I mined a different coin on the other PC so I could see when the rewards came in).
So I've stopped mining on the other PC for now.
All in all, it was well worth the effort as a learning experience and the coins are a welcome bonus.
Followed upvoted & resteemed
Thanks mate!
Thats awesome mate. The maths is sound. Great to here things working for you, and thanks heaps for your review. Thats what its all about. I have to say I like your post on the cactai. Another topic I have quite an interest in. Following you with interest
Cheers man.
I had my first payment come through to my wallet tonight, it took about 10 hours to come through.
It was a trivial amount that equates to about 50 cents US but I'll take it. If I see 50 cents on the ground I'll pick it up every time, this 50 cents could turn into much more as the price of crypto goes up.
Free money that appreciates over time is better than fiat currency getting eaten up by fees if it's in a bank.
In all honesty it's probably not the best return you could get for the power used and time invested but as a learning experience it's been invaluable. Now I've got wallets up and running and coins going into them at no risk to myself.
If I manage to screw anything up it won't cost me anything.
Thanks mate!
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Thanks for this!
A thorough article and interesting opportunity.
Looks like these faucets can add up if you can network a little and get those referral bonuses.
Consistency is the key mate. Stick at it. It all adds up.
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