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RE: Bitcoin (BTC) Morning Update: There are 36 Possible Corrective Combinations!! What does this mean? Check out this analysis!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Haejin one question I have been meaning to ask is for someone with only a small amount 1000usd to invest, would you recommend just keeping it in bitcoin only. it seems that the most stable riser is bitcoin. the safest option. for the last month i have been trading alts and for the most part have been gaining. i have turned 1k into 2k now after 25 days but looking back if i parked my money in bitcoin and forgot about it. would be the same outcome. or alternatively should i park it into a potentially big gainer and wait. i have half of my money in bts right now which seems to have potential


Many Alt coins with high potential are at extremely low prices right now, which would be a prime time to ladder into a few of them. Personally, I would keep half in BTS, then choose maybe 5 other coins that are at lows to ladder into. Unlikely they fall lower, much more likely they start gains again. The percentage value in BTC is quickly shrinking for smaller budget investors. BTS is projected to fall to about 16c then up to nearly 40c, that's quite a rake for half your funds.
IMO your top prospects at the $200/coin price range would be STEEM as it cycles up again hopefully today, LBC is very low and a good paying coin, DGB, XVG.......and there are many others recently posted in Haejin's blog ready to take off, and you pretty much couldn't time your buy into those any better than today.

Just make sure you are informed on your choices, and are confident in your buys.

thanks for the reply scarlett. unfortunately my other money is in dash and spreadcoin now and they are both down so i will just hodl i think

Spread should perform well, dash is great, but pricey.

scarlet when you say dash is pricey, what do you mean? i only look at potential percentage gains. is that wrong?

I could be wrong, but I think what @scarlet is saying is that for DASH to move 50% is a $300+ dollar move. For a lower cost option like STEEM, a 50% move is .75 cents.

No, that's how I would look at it. I just mean some coins are pennies or less and have great potential. DASH also has great potential for gains, but the starting price is much higher.

xvg, eos, dgb, cardano, bts, xlm, iota and many others all with really good upsides. Bitcoin is the big one but it's frustrating to move money with. I recently sold of half my ether for cardano and eos because the network is so clogged from a crazy cat game and i got in quite early so it was time to move some out. Ether was once how I moved money but it's become slow also. Their is many good projects out there research and buy what you like. Ask others opinions. I hold about 20 different coins, some underperform against bitcoin some have out performed bitcoin. But it's best to be diversified in the long run. You can invest to just invest randomly but thats not a good idea, I think its best to look at the project also, what does it do? What will it do in the future? Who's behind it.