One week less...

in #bitcoin11 days ago

Well, I'm already facing the second week of September after one of the worst work weeks after vacation.
My body hasn't yet adapted to NOT BEING ON VACATION, it's like I have a permanent jet-lag, I sleep well but I wake up exhausted... so much so that even if I seriously propose to go training, I'm immediately thinking about finishing it to rest... I don't know, maybe it's just that I'm getting older, or maybe it's a lack of vitamins of the andropause type...


On an emotional level, I also recognize that the market situation is not helping me to feel euphoric. I recognize that September is not a great month, nor has it ever been.
I just hope that it ends as soon as possible and that October comes, back to normal, and the markets pump as they should, or that's what I hope at least.

Anyway, I just wanted to wish you a very good start to the week and continue to trust that the future is going to be bright.



I hope you get back onto schedule soon. It's always tough to get use to the time zone differences but it will go away over time.

Same here… I fall asleep on the couch at 8:00 pm … wake up at 2:00 am to go up to bed. Now I’m wide awake at 3:00 am typing comments on Hive.