This is merely a place for me to put the information from Andreas Antonopoulps for my people. I would recommend watching ALL of these listed here and more. Be sure to BOOKMARK this page and check it OFTEN.
Andreas Antonopoulos main Web Site
This first link here above is the main Youtube Channel For Andreas. This is my church and he is my pastor. Bookmark it and subscribe. Just do it. You will be glad you did when some idiot who knows nothing starts talking like they are some sort of genius because the made ten times their money on retard coin.
Worse Than Useless: Financial Surveillence
The Stories We Tell About Money
Bitcoin: Privacy, Identity, Surveillance and Money
ADISummit: Self-Sovereign Identity Panel
Aadhaar and blockchain identities
How is fungibility tied to privacy?
Fungibility, privacy, anonymity
Why KYC is dangerous - Microviolations of Privacy as Payment