Bitcoin heading for the 4k mark in euros. !?!

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

Hello my friends, today I woke up looking at an all green coinmarketcap !! :D

Passing the 4k threshold :

My gut feeling tells me, that we are going to break the 4.000 euro mark for Bitcoin today.

It still amazes me to see how fast bitcoin has grown over the last couple of years. Bitcoin is now slowly becoming a household name, and mass-adoption seems just around the corner.

Todays market cap seems like extremely high when looking back, but is at the same time extremely low considering
that we are no-where near to the stage of mass adoption.

Good news for Bitcoin :

Recently a lot of good news came out to favor Bitcoin. As they are trying to get us Bitcoin satellites, so that we no longer need an internet connection to use the blockchain, Russia & Japan have began testing Bitcoin Bonds and will soon introduce them to the general public, and more importantly the big investing companies. This is surely to get us all the way to the moon ;)

And remember, it is never too late to start using Bitcoin
