Potential Bitcoin Cash Conspiracy!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

New York Agreement (NYA) was signed on May 23rd. The group stated that 58 signatories had agreed on a way to end Bitcoin’s ‘scaling debate’. The agreement was to be a compromise between the two sides of the debate — those who want to solve scaling through Segregated Witness and those who want to scale by increasing the block size.

On July 30, 2017, the following document was publish with shocking accusations. One being that the Bitcoin fork known as B2X was never going to actually happen and that a "coup" by various minors and investors was going to happen. So today, the papers allegations seem more credible when one studies the massive spike in Bitcoin Cash price and minors leaving the original Bitcoin to switch over to mining Bitcoin Cash. The volume and price has now passed Ethereum (ETH). I have posted the link to this article at the bottom of the page. (Please don't forget to upvote this story)


It is also interesting to note that Charlie Lee, the founder of Litecoin, posted this on twitter on November 9th 2017.

In closing, after reading the July 30th document, I can see plenty of fuel for conspiracy theories and understand why they are popping up all over social media. What do you all think about the situation?

Sources and Links: https://pastebin.com/n0aGBMQr https://bitcoinclassic.com/news/closing.html


I think the people are speaking. We are choosing sides.

Thats not what the media is leading people to believe. Bitcoin Cash was reported to be less supported!

BCH has more hash power than BTC. Miners have halved the BTC hash rate since the fork failed!

The media has no idea


Thank You for sharing TD1...

Cheers !!

You're welcome. Thank you for taking the time to reply :-)

SatoshiLite Charlie Lee tweeted @ 09 Nov 2017 - 23:25 UTC

Tom Zander of Bitcoin Classic thinks Bitcoin Cash will be renamed to Bitcoin in at most 6 months.

Someone remind m… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

BCH now has more hash than BTC. BTC is now sub $5800 on poloniex and BCH poised for $2000. coup or people voting about the $10+ BTC fees, who cares. I am up 100% and holding until I see signs of tailing off :)

The beauty of decentralized is that the control is by people and consensus. Not the BS fights that have taken place inside the BTC community to control it.

Like you, I don't want involved in the internal fighting and politics. Like you, I am holding as well. This is a first and no one seems to know what is going on.