
So? The miners invested in the network. Users just use it. They can vote by going elsewhere, or invest in the network for a vote.

That makes no sense. Without people using it and creating demand there would be no value in mining it.

People can and do use it. But why do they need a vote? That makes no sense. They are not forced to use it. They can leave whenever they want.

On that basis why do miners need a vote? Nobody is forcing them to mine. Why does anyone need a vote?

Yeah sure why not? Stakeholders simply make their demands of the market and leave if it doesn't deliver. Having a voting process essentially guarantees a central authority to count and enforce the votes.

Choosing to participate or not participate is a form of voting.

Having a voting process essentially guarantees a central authority to count and enforce the votes.

Not necessarily. You can implement these things in code - that is how these things activate anyway. Of course one could say that the person/people that create the code and set the parameters could be seen as a point of centralisation. I don't think there is a simple solution!

Agreed. In the end, the people who have invested the most time, money and energy into it will fight the most for it and enforce their vision. I believe this is why you see the miners, the exchanges, etc. having these meetings and pushing proposals forward.