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RE: The Hardfork will happen: Bitcoin Cash, SegWit2x, ViaBTC and why I want a Bitcoin chain split.

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Personally I don't see this as being the split at all. A minority splitting off will just create a new altcoin to add to all the other alts with the Bitcoin name - they are long forgotten. I think the real split will likely arise during the hard fork period it is hard to know what will happen, might go smoother than expected might be a lot worse.


Not quite sure what you mean about the hardfork period.

There will be a split on August first. That much we know. There is definitely the possibility of there being another come 2x enforcement time.

I'm talking about the hard fork that will be required as part of 2 x. As for August 1st I don't consider that I split at all if a few people decide they are going to split with a fraction of the hashing power it is meaningless.

Well I am not so sure it will be as small as you suggest. At least initially. Bitmain and ViaBTC ain't nothing to fuk with.

A split is a split. Bitcoin Cash is happening regardless if it is 300$ or 500$.

A fraction that becomes meaningful in the future is also a possibility.

Otherwise I agree that what you describe about the 2x part will happen.

I think it will be very small. That is proven by the BIP 91 signalling period - if Bitmain and ViaBTC had any significance we would have seen it then. I think calling this a split is a mischaracterisation - it is a tiny fraction of miners spinning off their own version of bitcoin. IMO It will end up as an altcoin despite its origin.

Even it it is just me mining it is still a split.

I see your point though, I think you might be right.

Right and I don't think even the people behind it necessarily expect BCC to succeed. I think it is more symbolic.

The true issue will come in November.

I just hope we can come to some agreement because Segwit on it's own is not really that helpful.

We need larger blocks.

Even the 2MB size will only be a temporary measure but the fact that people have been resistant thus far to even small changes is something we need to move beyond.

We can't keep having a crisis every time we need to scale - if it keeps happening I fear we may end up in a situation where an altcoin does actually take the place of bitcoin.