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RE: Globalist Takeover Of The Internet Moves Into Overdrive

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I agree it's ridiculous if your kids can't play ball hockey, but that's a case of over-regulation.

I was thinking more along the lines of companies not being allowed to dump toxic waste in our drinking water. That prevents rivers from getting filled with so many chemicals they catch on f ire. Of course, you could also say that the company has lost its freedom to poison rivers... but I'm ok with that because it keeps our rivers fire free.

In internet terms, it also at least reduces the amount of child porn out there. Sure, it still exists... but literally every legal type of porn can be found on any porn site. TDV thinks it's self-policing but there's every reason to believe that, if it were legal, child porn would be just as common.

And sure, pedophiles have "lost the freedom" to look at child porn... but again I'm ok with that. It means fewer children being exploited by the makers of child porn.


Agreed, I will point out the exploitation of children is a crime we can all agree is a crime that needs to be investigated and perpetrators need to be brought to justice with the full extent of the law.

Will further regulation make it more of a crime? Will internet regulation's have the desired effect?

I would argue freedom makes us safer. Those who exploit children are not free to do so because of the internet, and broad sweeping regulation's would make the vast majority of us less free and barely hinder the criminals that perpetrate these crimes at all.

Pollution is highly regulated, and it is a wonderful thing, except the major polluters have simply moved to a part of the world where pollution is not regulated, or they buy carbon credits from good steward's of the environment, or they simply hide their evil deed's better. The regulation's just ensure that smaller players with amazing insight and idea's never get to participate.

Regulation's make people feel good but rarely make any kind of significant change. There are countless examples of government reg's counting for squat. BP oil disaster comes to mind.

Regulation's are followed voluntarily by good people and ignored or bypassed completely by the people those regulation's are aimed at. Will making more regulation's suddenly make these people realize they have no conscience and perhaps should change their ways?

I will reiterate TDV views are extreme anarchism which I don't subscribe to I believe more in balance. Leadership is very important, but as long as the political class exists there will be no leadership. Asking the government to regulate anything is like asking the fox's to guard the chicken coop. Good for the fox, bad for the chicken.

and look paragraphs huu huu. Im working on it.
