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RE: Bitcoin Plunges To $7000 In Worst Start To Year Ever

in #bitcoin7 years ago

BTC is the big brother on the block. He is standing out front taking the beating from all the bullies in the neighborhood. While he is doing this, the others are protected.

Only a few alt-coins are in the mainstream radar...ETH and XRP are about the only other ones people can name. Even so, BTC is the punching bag. We all should be appreciative for what BTC does for takes the blows and keeps coming back for more. This allows projects like STEEM to fly under the radar while it gets things in order. STEEM is going to slingshot to incredible heights once it starts its upward move.

I foresee a bigger move up, percentage wise, in STEEM than BTC. That said, I see BTC moving up significantly higher from these levels.

Big brother is down but not out. He will step up and kick the crap out of the bullies. Michelle Lee on CNBC might end up crying.