Hi all!
Hope you are all enjoying this wonderful Sunday, and if you are in America, HAPPY FATHERS DAY! So today is an interesting and amazing day, I finally got my first post payouts(it feels really weird to finally have some money) and now that I have some crypto, I have decided I'm going to take that crypto and do two things; first get myself a new phone because this current piece of junk is junk (will post about the new phone tomorrow when I buy it!), and second, try to see if I can play my hand in the cryptosphere economy!
(Not my best work, but it looks close enough to the logo ^_^ well one of the logos that is)
And so I took the plunge... after questioning to near death my lovely friends @sykochica, @theprophet0, and @ausbitbank with my endless super-noob questions and reading a bunch of stuff about crypto and it's trading from a bunch of people, namely @jerrybanfield, @lukestokes, @cryptoiskey, @fyrstikken, @kingscrown and @thecryptofiend! I have opened up an account on bittrex and for the time being have acquired an Exodus wallet (until I can afford a cold storage device!)
I am gonna be a little conservative in my trading, because I do not have much to start with and also because I do not wish to lose it all! But in the ever present and knowledgeable words of some random person: don't trade what you can't afford to lose! So I won't ^_^, anyways my preliminary plans are to start with collecting BTC, Ethereum, USDT and of course steem! Who knows maybe I'll pull an @trafalgar and make it big! If you guys think there are other things I should consider looking into please comment below!
Anyways if you by chance would like to contribute to me in other ways than upvotes, here are my new wallet addresses!
1945f1imKn3VH74STaGVqCbNGkmfpvUniM (BTC)
0xA665cc72563fDae56e2599438EB4a6Be0D491A33 (ETH)
As always, much love and many toodles!
Thanks Follow me and i will follow YouCheck out my views on story crypto https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@newmarket65/is-cryptocurrency-your-get-rich-quick-scheme