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RE: Get Your Mining On: It Still Appears The GTX 1070 Reigns King Even with GTX 1080ti's Floating Around

in #bitcoin8 years ago

later this month the new AMD vega will be out better wait and see what that is able to do it might be close to or even be better then the 1080 for less $$


Really its those mining specific cards everyone should be snatching up soon. Both AMD and NVIDIA have a line that will come out. The Vega will be good but AMD said the mining specific card will most likely out hash the VEGA because they are cutting out the need for the extras that Gaming cards need. The coming line of mining specific cards are supposed to be way cheaper, way more power efficient and supposedly by their announcement be faster than any GPU coming down the line. Vega will be great for gaming but the days of needing gaming cards for rigs is about to end come the end of this summer.

the down side of those cards is that they don't have a vga /hdmi out put so you can't really use them in your normal pc :)

That is why everyone will be building cheap rigs. Honestly its really not a great idea to mine on your every day pc, I do but only out of necessity, in the long run your seriously putting a lot of wear on it. Personally I welcome faster cards at a fair price to build rigs with, have a huge feeling this will change the game in a great way.

i'm just testing now on my pc with the AMD RX480 that i have maybe i build a rig in my new house but that will be after the summer.

Honestly I am so fearful I am going to kill my pc lol...since I slapped a second card in there I am getting way high temps, great build too but have to sit a box fan by it to keep it from overheating lol. I welcome a rig build as soon as I can afford it...then I can game and not sweat the mining side to my crypto holdings as much