Bitcoin Discount Bandits
As many are starting to find out, the Crypto-World has many perils. There is the danger of losing or forgetting the password to your Crypto-Wallet and worse yet, having a hacker compromise your password and then depleting your account of any crypto-currency. There are the many ponzi schemes looking for your crypto-investment with promises of fantastical returns. These ponzi's give you initial hope but then viciously kill your dreams while you watch them turn into nightmares. Then there are the ICO's that have recently become runaway freight trains without brakes. Hopefully no one gets hurt by these, but some do look like financial train wrecks waiting to happen.
I don't mean to scare anyone, but rather to make people aware that there are dangers out there in the Crypto-World, both to your finances as well as to your physical being. As Cryptos become more and more valuable, so to will the criminal element's desire to take and steal them increase. This is an unfortunate fact of Crypto-Wealth, but also an important fact to be aware of.
I bring this up because people looking to purchase Bitcoins have been robbed and victimized recently. Although I was not able to determine what site they were using, it seems they were setting up local sales of Bitcoin. They were most likely using Craigslist or localbitcoins website to offer Bitcoin at discounted prices. Once they met their victims, they would rob them of their purchasing money. I fear that this will become more of a trend especially as the value of cryptocurrencies continues to climb.
Read the Full Story here..... The Bitcoin Discount Bandits
Full Steem Ahead!
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It would not hurt to be more cautious with crypto. It is very easy to lose your funds if you won't be careful.
Thanks for the reminder.
Hi @streetstyle i prefer to use local exchangers i mean for south america you can use buda.com because is a regulated exchange based in chile and with license to work in colombia and peru so the fees are a little bit high but i prefer security in transactions. Regards
Thank you for sharing
Upv & tweet & linkedagree with you completely @streetstyle The monument must be banned. And taking the necessary precautions. As an example in Steemit . There are a lot of scam these days.
Thanks for your awareness news.great job.
yeah we should buy bitcoin or any cryptocurrency from the official website or pages only, the discount applied to cryptos is fake and should be avoided(highly recommended)... beware stay safe, invest your money accordingly and safely
Meet in public with lots of witnesses not in a dark parking lot at night.
Your Article is very informative and helpful ...everyone should aware ... thanks for sharing..
I completely agree with you, my friend, the dangers in the crypto world are getting bigger and of course we need to be very careful, especially with websites promising easy money! Thank you @streetstyle
Yes you are right, at all times people are striving for easy gain. And you always have to be watchful. Before anything else, you have to modify or buy. You have to check everything, read the reviews, or consult. Thank you for the message.
You're right people are getting aware of the viability of bitcoin, and as a result of this, various people are discovereling a whole new way to scam people of their hard earned crypto well I was a victim once, gladly it wasn't so much
Yes, You are absulatly right. We should maintain official webside for buying bitcoin or currency. cause, some fake side knocking us with high profit. but it is not right. " grapsh all losse all"
that's way, we should carefully.
By the way, Dear Sir @ streetstyle, really today I'm very happy for your greatfull post.
Thanks a lot Like this blog post.
I'm always with you.
upvote + resteem done.
"Great Job never comes alone its make sure bye great man"
Yes, I agree your with you. Really your posting helping always. We should be care about market situation and hunter side.
thanks sir for your master mind blog bost.
really You are great man and your today presentation must be accepted by public sensation.
I salute you.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.
It must be us to be more aware.
the police are likely watching these Bitcoin transactions to some degree and you need to establish a buyer or seller that you can trust. Once you find a good one, stick with them, even if their rates go up. Try to search for people with established feedback, ask for ID if you want, and make sure you have nothing incriminating on you, or at your home around the time of these transactions. You never know when you could be trying to offload your BTC to a cop!
You are right @streetstyle, those projects that promise us big profits and almost nothing to do, will most likely turn out to be scammers, because free cheese is only in a mousetrap, and in crypto, even more so!
Localbitcoins.com is owned by the US FBI, I have said it many times for years and people just will not listen.
localbitcoins.com IS THE FBI
There are agents there that can buy from you and get your information and then they block your account.When you try to leave bad feedback the bad feedback is removed or the bad feedback does not hurt their feedback they are always at 100% so there ads are at the top to keep spying on the people.I was a veteran there over 1 million usd moved.no more to that site.
Thanks for the warning . In the early years, having no experience in the world of cryptography, many people make mistakes. And such advice is necessary for us.
Absolutely right we should be aware for our wallet..
Thanks for your consciousness article...@streetstyle
Thanks for your awareness post.
We were aware from that .
Again thanks for valuable your post @streetstyle
I remember when I first heard of ABRA and joined, you could be a buyer, seller trader in your vicinity. But as I thought about it, it was obvious that it would expose the user to more personal type crime, so I opted out.
As these values in crypto go up, so too will associated dangers.
bitcoin is very powerful...its have the ability to change peoples life
wow very excellent post Thanks for sharing i will done upvote..
Wow such a cool thing and so good to see you after a long time :D
thanks for this
Thanks for sharing this news and spreading awareness :)
These things are becoming a great issue.Many victims are there as well.while we should be careful in any kinds of links that might have an issue or we doubt about.
While thanks for the heads up buddy.
Stay cautious everyone.
these scammers are everywhere damn we need to stay safe in this online world
thank you so much for warning us
I share this post for everyone to know and be careful
Hi @streetstyle, Your article is very cool and contains important information and deserves to resteem to benefit everyone.
You right said sir,the Crypto-World has many perils. There is the danger of losing or forgetting the password to your Crypto-Wallet and worse yet, having a hacker compromise our password and then depleting our account of any crypto-currency.

its so bad of scaming ,,in cryptocurrency many people do this greatly ,,
thay are scamer and dint of one kind of corruption no doubt,,i agreed 100% with your opinion ,,thanks for share its greatly needed to remove scam,,
I’m eternally grateful to you for providing this news with us and You always aware us during our difficult times.
"Thank you Sir @streetstyle"
thank you for your news when useful for us. I like it very much
You are a ray of sunshine to me and everyone else around. Thank you for aware us.
Sangat bagus postingan postingan anda dapat menambah ilmu bagi pemula seperti saya 👍
They ALL sound like morons.
Go watch never get raided” . Never talk to the police, you are under no obligation to do so. Would you talk to anyone irl that for a living ‘uses whatever you say against you’?
Learn your rights by getting your heads out of the sand, to be there, you have to be on your knees..
Pathetic sheeple getting raped.
Although hacking is much unexpected, is a reminder that there are still good people in this world like you to save the commmon people with your hard work and knowledge.
Thanks once again for your valuable information to protect us.@streetstyle Sir, Thank You so much for your awareness. It was really an important issue and everyone should aware about it.Cause it is very risky.
Bereh nyan 👍 memang droe paleng hayeu @streetstyle
Very Helpful Post ..great information sir...thanks for share
thanks for your good Advised.
Great info! thankyou for your awareness, i've no much knowledge about crypto. I hope i learned more from your side.
An important and useful publication Thank you for sharing with us
This publication I was waiting for. I wish more warning from Bitcoin thieves. You should pay close attention to this
that's terrific wow awesome :D
excellent post ..loving to your blog.thanks for sharing..
it's a great theme ..great to share....
Great post.,.,.,.,its very useful post for us,,,,,,,,, thanks for sharing....////////
intresting and informative blog dear