Thanks. It's comments like this that makes me feel truly valued in here. I appreciate your well thought out reply!
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Thanks. It's comments like this that makes me feel truly valued in here. I appreciate your well thought out reply!
I was sad to see this post had the numbers it did, but I can relate. I do not get much in the way of votes or views, or payouts on 99% of my stuff.
I will be referring people to THIS post who want to know about these wallets and your nice post here on it.
You are welcome. I wish you the best!!
As long as I'm true to myself and my quality is good, I'm ok. I used to be on the whale's bots, and it wasn't really fair for others. I'm developing blog posts that have meaning and value hopefully. That's my primary goal.
You have become one of my fav. authors on here after seeing your easy to read really down to earth posts. Once I got over the Stella star factor being intimidated, LOL.
I will always continue to do 101-type posts because there are always newbs coming who need it. I am still one of those people for things a lot of days too.
I'm a noob too. There's just too much to learn and not enough teachers in here, or anywhere else.......I've taught a few classes before..........but not about this stuff, yet.