2018 Will Be The Year of Cryptocurrency ICO Breakout! 2018 年將會是加密貨幣 ICO 的爆發年!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)


In 2017, the price of many cryptocurrencies rise rapidly, and that attracted the attention of investors from different countries. In fact, more and more organizations begin to accept bitcoin as a payment method. In my city Hong Kong, PwC and UDomain accept bitcoin for payment.
In fact, Japan being the most embracing cryptocurrencies country, you can even buy a house there with bitcoin!

在 2017 年,很多加密貨幣的價格都急速上升,引來了各國投資者的注意。也有不同國家的大小機構都開始接受比特幣作為支付。在小弟身處的香港,先後有四大會計公司之一的羅兵咸永道 PwC 及網絡安全公司 UDomain 接受以比特幣支付其服務。

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USA was so eager to share the profit brings by bitcoin, so it offered bitcoin future contract in CME (Chicago Mercantile Exchange) and CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange), and attracts lots of investors to join the party, at the same time founded a more solid foundation for bitcoin.



Venezuela is launching their Petro coin ICO which is oil linked and backed by oil assets. Compare with other altcoins which only provides a concept, the support of Petro coin is much more solid.

委內瑞拉正推出石油掛鉤的 Petro 幣 ICO, 背後有石油資產支持。相比其它加密貨幣,Petro 幣的靠山更穩。

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Japanese banks announced that they are researching on their J Coin, which is supported by Japan's central bank and some financial regulators.If the outcome is good, I guess other national banks will follow and offer their own coin. At that moment, if the ​lightning​ network is more mature and popular, we will no longer need physical money. Just like China, you can shopping without your wallet because you can settle almost all payments with Alipay and Wechat Pay. How convenient!

日本銀行早前也宣佈正在研究 J 幣,由日本央行和一些財務機構支持。如果推出後反應不錯,估計其他國家也會爭相仿效,推出自己國家銀行的加密貨幣。到時候,如果閃電網絡的技術更成熟和普及,大家到很多國家都不需要要實體錢幣。就好像中國,只要你拿著手機,連錢包都不用帶,用支持寶或微信支付就可以到處買東西了,非常方便!

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Actually, different organization wants to have their own ICO
Being an investor, we all wanna know which coin can have a big bulge in price
Personally, I will consider the following factors:

  1. The reputation of the ICO organization and the supporting organizations behind
  2. What problems it solve
  3. How many coin exchanges have listed that coin for trading

其實各大機構也積極想推出自己的 ICO

  1. 推出ICO的機構和背後支持它的機構的知名度
  2. 它解決什麼問題
  3. 可買賣該幣的交易所數目


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Hi, great post, have followed you. What do you think of the current state of the Bitcoin market?

Thank you. I think bitcoin is struggling in $10000 because it's a psychological level. Once it passes it, it will shoot up again and go to sky high.