Whenever I meet up with my nocoiner friends...

in #bitcoin7 years ago

"Yea John... you're right, losing a mother is devastating, but that's how life is. You never know what's going to happen... like in the Bitcoin market for example. I recently invested about $3500, and sure, I may have lost a bit in dollar value, especially after I shorted at 6800, but that's fine. We all lose sometimes, loss is a part of life, I get it, but we just have to learn to live with these losses. Btw, I recently read about a small village in Africa that makes personalized coffins with international shipping. They only take bitcoin, so maybe this is what you've been waiting for to finally take the plunge. Come on, wipe those tears away, let's go get your exchange account verified and take a closer look at that will of hers..."

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