SunCoin (SUN) - First Global CO2 Neutral Blockchain Network

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Hello again! Before I continue with energy focused analyses (such as here and here) in cryptocurrencies and staking analyses of coins at StakeUnited (latest one here), I'd like to share one finding with you - the project is called SunCoin (SUN) and it is intended to be the first carbon neutral blockchain network.

Let's briefly analyze the project! Information was gathered from the project web page and Discord server.

Web page:

SunCoin (SUN)

You can say...

"Yeah, what's so special about this one..."

But there's actually plenty of special things about the project. The main intention of the project is to create a global CO2 neutral blockchain network. Yeah, the coin is both mined (not the perfect solution for the environment as explained in this article) and staked in Masternodes, but the main intention behind the project is to create an ecosystem for financing projects which reduce carbon emissions. The means to create the global CO2 neutral blockchain network is the CO2 initiative fund which will help finance various projects whose aim is to reduce carbon pollution to our environment.

The manifest of the project communicates very clear messages and inspires awareness on what the blockchain technology is actually causing in our environment!

SunCoin already in the early phase set very clear goals:

SHORT TERM - CO2 initiative fund to fulfill the carbon neutral plan for the blockchain network and the cryptocurrency. The fund is financed by the rewards from each block, i.e. 10% of every block reward will go into the CO2 initiative fund to help with implementation of projects. I really look forward forthis to start up completely, because this project goes hand in hand with some other cryptocurrency energy related projects. But the stated plans will not stop there, the information on the website mentions financing various different CO2 mitigation projects, ranging from tree planting initiatives to funding research related to sustainable blockchain technologies. What I really like is that community will be the decision making body which will vote on the projects to be financed!!! If your project fits in the overall vision, you can apply your project for financing through SunCoin!!! Apply on Discord: The founding of CO2 initiative fund is particularly important because the humanity is constantly increasing its CO2 emissions. Just look at this figure below!

*Source here

The danger of increasing CO2 emissions is the greenhouse effect and rising global temperatures which in turn can cause (AND ARE ALREADY CAUSING) adverse events around the globe (hurricanes, storms, floods, droughts,... to name a few). This is the temperature anomaly, can you already feel the various effects of this change on the global climate?

*Source here

MID TERM - CO2 compensation in terms of CO2 emission trading. This can be a tough one, but SunCoin intends to establish ways to compensate for the created carbon emissions. Whatever reason is that you'd like to offset your carbon emissions for, SunCoin will aim to provide a solution! CO2 calculators will be one of the measures intended to raise awareness on CO2 emissions.

LONG TERM - CO2 certification/green mining initiative in order to reduce the carbon footprint of cryptocurrency mining operations worldwide through CO2 neutral hosting and mining environments, as well as masternodes powered with green energy. Community will be involved in decision making processes which is quite important.

Before summarizing, allow me to present the SunCoin specifications.



I find the project very exciting since it aligns with the green energy initiative and tries to introduce sustainability in the dirty world of cryptocurrencies. The concept is very promising since the community dictates the actual projects and contributes to project financing through block rewards being added to the CO2 initiative fund. I will definitely keep a close eye on this project and be an active member of the community. Owning this cryptocurrency and being a part of SunCoin community will give you an opportunity to decide about you own future and influence the whole world! Take your future in your own hands!


I believe that by now you've realized the importance of projects like this for our environment and sustainable blockchain technology future. Drive the change!

I cannot and I am not trying to predict the future, but here are some of my expectations related to potential developments in the future:

  • introduction of CO2 taxes for various activities (who else here loves taxes???),
  • climate change becoming top news in the next few years (not occasional news, but a constant threat),
  • renewable energy sources and energy efficiency become one of a few mechanisms to fight climate change,
  • reforestation efforts increasing and gaining more and more momentum and
  • continuous improvement of every aspect of human activity to ensure sustainable development.

Based on all of these, can you predict where the price of an asset like SunCoin (which deals with these exact topics) might end up? :D

Comment, like, don’t like, just stay informed.

*rides into the sunset


IM loving this coin so far Very cool active thought processes going n here!