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RE: Are Bitcoin transactions slow today... or it's just mine?

in #bitcoin8 years ago

I have sold 250 bitcoins over the last 8 years? Something like that.

Yes, they are slow. If you up your fee when sending coins, the network may actually give you the first confirmation within 20 minutes. If you give them a 'Western Union' size fee, then bitcoin will work as it used to - all done in 20 minutes.

This was an expected and well anticipated affect of adoption.

See the 300k or so unconfirmed transactions in real time

I normally check the unconfirmed tx via on this link:


Thanks sponge-bob. That was helpful but I'm not quite willing to part with a 'Western Union' size fee : )

For what it's worth. A transaction that goes 3 or 4 days without being put into a block will return the coins to the sender.

Do you know what it means if after say 22 hours of waiting....the transaction doesn't show my anymore in Blockchain Explorer?

yese I lost a tansaction today. The last time that happened was 12/22/16 and I sold every bitcoin I had into Dash. (which made me a millionaire). Bitcoin is broken.
Now, we see which of the two camps forked bitcoin will not be broken.
For that reason, Bitcoind dropped 1700? and bch went up to 2000 (from $290 a few days ago)

note that bitcoin's security is still fine, you just can't spend it right now.